The Great Awakening

If I was Q, Trump or Scavino, or someone else in the know about ongoing operations and happenings I would never endanger the mission by telling anyone what I really knew.
Imagine you are Q.
You're not going to say anything about what may or may not be going on behind the scenes if that would be something that would threaten someone's security or the objective.
I don't know why we always believe everything on the surface level about everything when this is factually the case.
When Trump worked with Saudi Arabia to bring justice to the old guard there did he tell everyone on CNN exactly what happened in Vegas?
Did Trump actually mean he wished Ghislaine Maxwell well?
The simpler we think, the more we subject ourselves to mental anguish for this specific reason:
Anons are living deep in the fog of war. Most don't know about everything Trump has done and will do.
Didn't Q say that the choice to know will be yours?
So think outside the box but stay grounded.
Discernment when all is dim will light the way.
*End rant*

A theme is emerging that cannot be ignored.
-The CIA is connected to the assassination of JFK
-The CIA recruited multiple 9/11 hijackers and knew they were in the country.
-The head of the CIA visited Epstein after he was a convincted pedophile
-The Vegas shooter had ties to the CIA
-The CIA overthrew the government of Ukraine.

If you wanted a Great Awakening, then you surely can't go wrong with the mass exposure of the deep state's shadow clown organization currently happening now.

This adoption curve applies to how the public accepts new ideas, technology, etc.

👉It ALWAYS applies👈

Where do you think we are now related to acceptance of the fact we're transitioning through a paradigm shift known as the Great Awakening?

I'm thinking we're in the 'early majority' as things build to a crescendo that then causes the 'late majority' to jump on board as things continue to play out in a matter that confirms the event is, in fact, well underway.

The system was always rigged.
Trump showed the world this like perhaps no one ever has.
Your frustration at the unveiling of that system, yet lack of justice, is warranted. However, your entire life you lived while America was fully controlled by the deep state.
Which war did we go to that was warranted? Bush, Obama, Clinton. All compromised and Satanic.
Everything is becoming crystal clear.
This is what it means to be awakened.
Who can give us justice? Who can deliver us from such an evil?
Perhaps only God.
If Trump and company enact vengeance upon the deep state, it'll be because God empowered them.
There's no other way but God.
Only once the light shines upon mystery Babylon can it be defeated.

I hate when people say that there are no consequences for anyone. When Trump got into office, he shut down Epstein Island, he eliminated ISIS immediately, Bush Senior and McCain both died like dogs, those likely responsible for 9/11 in Saudi Arabia were taken out at the applause of Trump, and so much more.
Just because the surface level looks dire, it does not mean we haven't seen any level of justice.
Yes, we want much more!
God is taking down Babylon.
Let's all do our part and keep believing, praying and doing our part.
I choose to never give up hope.


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