The Great Awakening

Laatst bewerkt:
Fear is not real.

The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future.

It is a product of our imagination.

Causing us to fear things that do not at present, and may not ever exist.

Fear is a choice.

Choose hope. Choose faith.

Disregard fear.

It’s residence is not required in your heart.

If you require people to be perfect in order for a truth to be spoken or for God to use them then you're going to be waiting forever.
Elon Musk, for instance, took Twitter and made it into something where more red pills can be shared than ever before. Is he perfect? Of course not.
Did he wear a Satanic outfit that was suspious? Yes.
Do you know for certain that he has good motives or evil? No.
But what happened with Twitter was a "good event." Not everything is so black and white. People are not so evil or so good in many cases. You're getting a mixed bag.
Do I think Ron Desantis is evil? No. I don't know. I think you're not going to convince me either way right now. Yes, he appears to be siding with bad people. But can you seriously tell me you take everything at face value after being an anon for this long? The fog of war is incredibly thick.
This goes with anyone from Hollywood for me as well. I personally think that Trump changed the game. Some probably friendly or complicit with the cult had a change of heart when they saw Trump winning. You don't know what's happening behind the scenes unless you're there.
So am I allowed to post truths that people say without being judged for that?
God himself used an ass for his purposes, a donkey, yet people still think he can't use imperfect people.
I take it seriously when I enjoy the show cause I believe that nothing can stop Babylon from falling no matter who is working for good or evil or what their intentions are.
I legitimately sincerely believe that. It doesn't mean I think everything happening is fake. Of course not. But I stopped thinking I know what's happening and I observe with that in my mind.
As far as I'm concerned I'm seeing the populace talk about child trafficking like never before. The exact subject anons have been screaming from the rooftops about. And I think that's a good thing.
*rant over*

Well would you look at this. Donald Trump met with Carlos Slim, the man who has financial ties to Sound of Freedom, after he ascended to power and then said he was a "great guy."
Now you've really got to wonder if he made a deal and submitted to Trump on some level.
If you read the Q drops you'll clearly see that they explicitly said some deals had to be made...

This is the one Q drop that mentions Tim Ballard.
Worth noting. The day Ballard met with Trump, it appears he was posting many drops about Rachel Chandler who was a human trafficker for children.
The child crime theme is literally being highlighted for the world right now.
I say:
The stage is being set.

When you watch a movie play out what are you actually seeing? There's always a message behind that display. A truth that's working it's way into your heart.
When Q said we are watching a movie, I don't think he meant that everything is fake.
But rather you're watching God use the ongoing circumstances to awaken and bring a truth to a once sleeping public.
I'm not sure that we've ever seen a movie about child trafficking displayed in Hollywood. It's touching a part of people and making this very real crime seem so much more true. Because it is.
This is why Q said you can't tell the people, you have to show them.
People can't be told President's are inept puppets for the deep state. They have to be shown: Biden as a walking gaffe.
God is awakening the world. If you doubt it, you're not looking close enough.

Tulsi Gabbard also met with Trump after he was brought into power. What do you think they actually said to each other? Do you honestly think they would tell us in the media?
What if she made a deal?
Because when I look at her massive social media following: All I see is her dropping red pills about the military industrial complex and posting truth to democrats.
Is it possible that many of these people have strings attached to them?

Paul, in Biblical times, knew more than most just how evil men could be. He said so in his writings when he said, I'm the worst sinner. He knew well man's propensity to do wrong, yet what happened with his life?
He was a murderer who had a profound encounter with Jesus Christ and his life was instantaneously changed. He suffered immensely for God and ended up writing two thirds of the New Testament. You heard that right. Most of the Bible. God allowed a murderer to write it all.
He was used powerfully all around the world and he did so while being beaten, stoned, and harassed until the very end.
So if you're going to tell me that God cannot change any person, you're not seeing just how capable God is. Do not be so quick to think you know who can or cannot be used by God.
Nothing is impossible for Him.

Q drop 15 explicitly tells us that deals had to be made or 70% of elected politicians would be in jail today. Which obviously would have collapsed our Republic in real time.
If this is actually true, then some people have leashes attached to them unless something went terribly awry.
Something to really think about:
Why does Trump constantly say Lindsay Graham is great I love Lindsay. What if Lindsay amounts to the equivalent of Trump's dog on a leash and he uses him at key intervals.
Does Trump have something on these people ? Well they were/are corrupt as hell so there had to be something he could use.
Does Lindsay Graham perfectly encapsulate a war mongering rhino? Yes. He's a red pill. You need the contrast between dark and light to really see clearly.
That's what happening now.
Trump vs Biden. Prosperity vs Precipice.
Dark vs Light.
The Great Awakening.

I think there's a reason why Q hasn't dropped any posts in a while and when he did, during the precipice, it wasn't filled with spicy questions or information.
What more does he need to say?
It's like the movie is on autopilot at this point.
The red pills are being handed out en masse.
Maga is essentially anon.
The momentum is tremendous like a snowball that continually gains steams as it rolls down the hill.
If Q was posting a lot with dire comms, I'd be more concerned.
But his silence speaks volumes to me.
We're right on track. Whether you believe it or not. I choose to believe it.

David was a man after God's own heart. He was this warrior king who believed God by putting his own life on the line in battle. Either God was going to show up and he would win big or he'd die.
There was no middle ground.
He was extreme. But when you look at some of the outer circumstances of his life you'd see he made a lot of mistakes. He was married to multiple people, he ended up killing a guy, his family became a mess.
Yet despite all of that, God still favored him in a massive way.
If that's the case, it's not his lack of mistakes that made him a man God truly favored.
I would make the argument that
This amazing, chaotic, mess of a man had such tremendous faith and that's what captured God's heart.
So if you're feeling you are too much of a sinner to find favor with God, you're underestimating the power of the price He paid. Focus less on yourself and more on whatever it is that David was so single minded towards: Faith in God and a desire to know Him personally. Sin nature and all.

I think it's an exercise in futility to believe we know for a fact that one person is good or this person is all bad.
The reason for that is obvious. The psyops are mounting on top of each other to the point of making reality nearly indistinguishable from falsity. Q psyoped us on a certain level as well, not in a bad way but good.
Anons planted thousands of seeds and you're literally seeing its fruit come into fruition now. Q doesn't even need to post a single thing and we'rve collectively exposed Ukraine, vaccines, and so much more during the precipice without him. It's all about become a free thinking group of Patriots and that is happening.
For me, I've learned to stop presuming what i know and take the approach that I feel is correct.
I don't know much at all and I'm just learning as I go.
Without God we truly are ignorant.
To say everything we think is true at this very moment is not wisdom. We are constantly learning and therefore we should be open to different possibilities.
But what do you think?


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