The Great Awakening

When the enemy comes in like a flood, you can be sure that a breakthrough is on the horizon. God doesn't always remove us from the storms in life, but instead walks with us through them. The very act of enduring becomes a intimate moment between you and your creator, friendship through suffering, if you allow it.
And if God feels quiet in the rain when your hope is diminishing, remember the words of David: Even if I go down into the depths, you will never leave me.
His absence is merely an illusion. Never let the enemy trick you into believing anything otherwise.
The challenges in your life are an opportunity to develop a deep friendship with God.
Don't take that for granted. Especially in the here and now, in the precipice. This is your moment to shine in the darkness. To let God be your rock when all else fails.

The world used to live in a state of ignorant bliss while the elite cabal essentially kept them in a form of slavery and waged a shadow war against God and the will of the people.
That ignorance is coming to an end and it's happening swiftly.
What was once considered a conspiracy theory is now known truth.
History is going to look back at Trump and his anons fondly, the seeds of awakening are beginning to bloom.

When the enemy comes in like a flood, you can be sure that a breakthrough is on the horizon. God doesn't always remove us from the storms in life, but instead walks with us through them. The very act of enduring becomes a intimate moment between you and your creator, friendship through suffering, if you allow it.
And if God feels quiet in the rain when your hope is diminishing, remember the words of David: Even if I go down into the depths, you will never leave me.
His absence is merely an illusion. Never let the enemy trick you into believing anything otherwise.
The challenges in your life are an opportunity to develop a deep friendship with God.
Don't take that for granted. Especially in the here and now, in the precipice. This is your moment to shine in the darkness. To let God be your rock when all else fails.



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