The Great Awakening

What is the great faith-killer? Logic.

Logic: Do not kill your only son Abraham, are you insane?
Logic: Do not build a boat Noah, there is no rain!
Logic: Do not step out onto the sea Peter, you cannot walk on water!
Logic: Do not let yourself be crucified Jesus, you are supposed to save the people!

It's not that logic is evil, it's that God loves to work against what we consider possible.

Logic would have you believe in the worst outcome for our world. Faith is that the best is yet to come.

[Forwarded from Professor Patriot (Professor Patriot)]
I’m having a difficulty this morning. I’ve been reading everyone’s comments on the Chalkboard and struggling with the number of folks who believe that everything they see, and I mean everything, is fake.

I’m not here to poke fun at you or make you feel your opinions don’t matter. But I am worried about you.

Understand that there is an insidious group of people who co-opt this movement, pretending to be truth tellers, but whose only goal is to do the exact same thing the dark state has done; drag you into a cognitive world of lies and distrust.

Fires become direct energy weapons, NASA becomes nothing more than a video production company, your very round planet becomes flat.

Rather than argue about these things, I want to try to convince you that it doesn’t matter. None of it. I believe you are concentrating on the wrong things.

Start with the notion that we have been lied to about many things, so much so that reality is hard to discern from fantasy. The details hardly matter. People in power have lied and we are the victims of those lies. The shape of the earth is what it is. NASA is what it is. Fiery destruction is what it is. It doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that the people who have caused us to lose our sure view of reality want us confused; endlessly debating and arguing over unknowable things. They want us looking for monsters under the bed. They want us to give them more power within our minds than they actually have.

If you concentrate on nonsense and defend it to your last breath, they have won. Liars are only powerful if you believe the lies and change your behavior based on those lies.

Will you love your fellow man more or less depending on the shape of your planet? Will you be more or less angry at the liars depending on how an island caught fire? If there is no International Space Station orbiting the earth will you desire the end of the dark state any more or less?

I have long since stopped trying to win these arguments. Some people so want to believe in crazy stuff that they rise to anger if you challenge them. Anger is not the goal.

Rise above the noise of all the unreality you live with and go back to some simple truths.

God is with the righteous.
People with evil intentions must be contained by the righteous.
More than ever, the righteous must lift each other up without anger or ego clouding their compassion and sapping their strength.

Put your eyes on the right goals and resist the urge to fight the wrong fights.
Hier de link naar deze briljante TG-post:

Maybe we'll never be "given" the full truth. I don't think The Great Awakening is about exposing the truth out into the open as much as it's about leveling up our intuition to see through the lies.

There will always be more lies.

We can uncover the lies of the past, but it's only a temporary fix. Intuition is our defense against deception; past, present and future.

Working on our discernment is the exercise we can do to strengthen our intuition. We are all capable of this instinct, it's just we're out of practice. We've been taught to focus only on intellect, but the brain is easily manipulated and TPTB we're up against are experts in manipulating the mind. But the human body actually has 3 brains, the mind, the heart, and the gut. Our gut even contains a high concentration of neurons (brain cells).

So how do we work on our discernment and build those muscles back up? I like what @realjusthuman often says, "Knowing is better than reacting." Observation without immediate reaction helps strengthen our discernment. I'm a lot slower to react these days than I was when I first started out. This has helped me pan out to a wider view and become less manipulated by every new piece of information.

I also loved what @5_d_Chesterton said the other night in the DPH chat, "We are all going to have to learn to stop outsourcing our discernment."

It's great to have people we feel we can trust and look up to, but we can't get lazy and depend on others to do our thinking for us. That's literally how humanity got into this mess in the first place.

The responsibility is ours to resolutely and tirelessly seek the truth for ourselves in all things.

This is the only way we take back our power and win the spiritual war on here on earth where deception currently reigns supreme.

Oftentimes you do not get to determine the trials or attacks you receive from the enemy when you walk through life but you do get to decide how you react to them. Your reaction is half the battle and therefore when you guard your mind and protect it, you can find yourself in a somewhat comfortable place even if you are walking through a valley in life. The enemy wants to infiltrate your mind and cause you to lose hope in whatever situation you may be in. Because you are an anon who sees many battles with open eyes, it is easier to become susceptible to those negative thoughts.
Make your mind a fortress of peace and watch how frustrated your opponents become.
They do not want you to focus on anything positive, faith or hope. So do exactly that. Rise above the attacks today.


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