The Great Awakening

A quick word for the frens:

The enemy wants to use an idea as a Trojan horse into your emotions. Once they are in, they seek to bring you down into the depths of despair like an avalanche. By accepting that one lie about God, yourself, or that situation, you allow the enemy to create a storm within you that could have very well been avoided. 50 percent of the battles you face can be halted before they stopped by analyzing what thoughts are running through your head and asking yourself this simple question: Is this the belief that God wants me to accept or what the enemy of my soul wants? Oftentimes we think that the doubt and despair we are feeling is natural but when the curtain is pulled back, one finds a sinister force behind a simple thought. You are in a spiritual war. To be blinded to that and not accept it is to be bullied and thrashed around without knowing you're in battle.

Put a shield around your mind when all else fails and tell your soul: We're gonna win and we're going to refuse to give up faith, hope, and love.

Become the champion God sees in you.

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