The Great Awakening

Turn on the news and alternative anon accounts and everyone is fear mongering about basically everything but when you turn it off and go outside life seems just fine and the birds sings and the sun still shines.
All this fear mongering doesn't resonate with me personally and even if they brought out another plandemic that was actually effective, guess who would shine once again? It would be the free thinking anon.
Perceived futures are not always reality. Sometimes we fear what will not come to pass and allow that fear to dampen the present.
God is with us here and now and when we get to the next challenge or trial. Guess what?
He'll be there too.
Perhaps we should do a little less fear mongering and exhibit a little more faith.

I'm back! 😁

Been quite awhile since old Dirt was purged. 😑
Looking forward to the stretch run. 💪

The cure for the 7 deadly sins is
By using the 7 virtues .

Kindness = cures envy by placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them.

Temperance = cures gluttony by implanting the desire to be healthy, therefore making one fit to serve others.

Charity or love = cures greed by putting the desire to help others above storing up treasure for one’s self.

Chastity or self-control = cures lust by controlling passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others.

Humility = cures pride by removing one's ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service.

Diligence or Zeal = cures slothfulness by placing the best interest of others above the life of ease and relaxation.

Patience = cures wrath by taking time to understand the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking.

🙏 😇 bless you all


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