The Great Awakening

Two minds think alike. Ik zie dat Medusa me al voor was, maar laat hem staan vanwege de kracht van de herhaling. Het is alweer lang geleden dat trollen hebben geprobeerd karaktermoord te plegen op mijn persoon. Wat krijg je als je Donkers uitspreekt op zijn Frans? Don't care!

Two minds think alike. Ik zie dat Medusa me al voor was, maar laat hem staan vanwege de kracht van de herhaling. Het is alweer lang geleden dat trollen hebben geprobeerd karaktermoord te plegen op mijn persoon. Wat krijg je als je Donkers uitspreekt op zijn Frans? Don't care!

Over trollen gesproken, lang niet meer gezien hier? Ze kunnen ons niet aan.
Speciaal voor de Nederlander.

Het leven in NL moet wel zo K-U-T zijn dat de mensen zo toeleven naar die paar weken per jaar. Vakantie is voor mij een meerwaarde, geen voorwaarde.

When looking at the giant 5d Chess board that is our battlefield, one has to ask ones self, many questions.

Do you see the players?

Do you see the plan?

Do you see the moves left to play?

What is game theory?

How does it apply to what you see?

A lot of moving parts are shifting on the board, in rapid paces across the past couple of days.

Realizations of people, places and things come into full perspective as more and more is uncovered.

I see side battles, and confusion. I see distraction and division.

What I do see more than anything else is a mass securing of bonds and strength among those who do not have nefarious goals.

I’m so proud of how the mass of us is responding. We are tightening our circles, making impenetrable shields of light.

We are lifting each other up and making strides to progress positive change.

While I see a falling out of certain factions within our movement, I am secure in my vibe of how it plays out.

Yes there will be causalities but that’s standard in war no?

My whole point is that y’all are on the right track. Don’t be dismayed by the drama unfolding. Just watch and learn. Remember the mission and move forward.


I keep getting messages about people thinking I’m going through something, based on my posts.

Lemme be very clear, I am not going through anything. In fact I am definitely leveling up in understanding of this battlefield.

Everything I am posting is because I was once blind but now I see.

My mission is to have the conversations and to make sure the information I provide is 100% facts.

Right this moment, I am simply observing the battlefield. I spoke about moving from a 40k ft view to an 80k ft view. I did this because the edges of webs of inter workings were hidden at a 40k ft view. When I stepped back even further I realized sooooo many things.

My advice is to continue to research for yourself. Don’t trust anyone. Don’t trust me. Don’t trust another anon. Figure it out and make peace with what you find. None of us anons are your saviors. We are just meant to be shepards of truth.

Not everyone you follow is a good guy. They have been captured. Pay attention to the patterns. U will see.

Love y’all.


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