The Great Awakening

You all know really weird shit has been going down for awhile now, right?

The fix was in on that Hunter Biden plea deal.

Until WASN'T.

Hunter was walking away scott free.

What happened? Who blew their fix?

Even if you're going to buy the coming spin that Weiss **is going to make multiple indictments against Hunter Biden in multiple districts on gun, tax and FARA crimes in order to PROTECT HIM and the Biden Crime Family**, might I point out the best way to protect the Biden Crime family is NOT TO INVESTIGATE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Why is this this stuff still moving forward? Why Garland end all of this 3 years ago? What would have prevented him? What prevents him from doing it now?

Why is Mockingbird Media suddenly having to prepare its audience for more Hunter indictments in DC and CA?

Watch the same Mockingbird Media/Con Inc. "News" Media outlets who've been leaking and selling you utter shit about the Hunter Biden case flip on a dime from talking about the 'sweetheart deal' Weiss was supposedly gifting Hunter with to loudly yelling "Holy shit, somebody get this Weiss guy under control, stat!"

You all know the fix was in on the Ken Paxton impeachment down there in Texas too, right? I mean, I don't have to spell out the obvious, do I?

Paxton was as good as gone. It was a done deal.

Until somehow the deal got undone.

I heard the reports about the screaming matches that could be heard behind the closed doors before the final votes on the impeachment charges.

Their fix was in for removing Paxton.

Until WASN'T.

If the Deep State had total and complete control like many people think it does, none of what you saw in that Texas impeachment or Hunter Biden case should be happening right now.

The detailed scripts as to how events were to unfold were written. But then somehow the script keeps being altered.

You know who's doing that?

Who keeps blowing up their scripts?



The more people that wake up and start paying attention and start speaking up, the more the tide turns in our favor.

Events literally get away from them. They are forced into retreat and then damage control.

Whistleblowers come forward, Evidence is revealed that establishes the Biden Crime Family's corruption. [Or in the case of Paxton - a complete lack of evidence is what is revealed, leading to Paxton's acquittal!]

You are changing things with SUNLIGHT. The Corrupt can only fulfill their rotten scripts in the darkness.

The more people shine the light and pushback and speak up against these lovers of the dark, the more they become disorganized, confused and out of step.


Don't listen to those who spin every damn thing that happens as another bitter black pill trap where they're just setting us all up but we're too dumb to see it.




The stakes could not be higher, and we went through a really rough couple of years but I truly believe we turned the corner awhile back and what is coming is unstoppable, because it is the Truth.

And people who have devoted their lives to hiding and obscuring and lying about the truth on the issues that matter the most will in the end collapse from their own bitter exhaustion because the truths we spoke outshined their increasingly desperate and obvious lies.

They literally cannot keep up with us and we grow more numerous by the day.

Every kinetic war lasts longer than the people fighting it on the front lines wanted it to. An information war is no different.

We fight for the truth for as long as it takes. And as we continue to fight for and with the truth, we'll continue to see strange things going on. We'll see confidently written scripts fall apart. We'll see justice at last, if we faint not.

In the end we'll see The Dragon. And we'll help God cast him down into Hell where his minions dwell.

Every. Single. Person. Has a sinful past.

It’s admitting it, asking for forgiveness from the Father, repenting (changing one’s mind/heart), and being washed, sanctified, and justified that matters going forward.

If the liberals, who want to cancel anyone who speaks out against their evil, were to put their past mistakes, actions, and behaviors, including all things done in private, out to the public they would ALL be cancelled.

You can’t actually be cancelled unless you give a shit what the left thinks, who will literally make accusations up and lie to achieve their political goals.

A quick word for the frens.
When God is silent.

There is a temptation one feels when God puts us into a place of relative silence.

The enemy whispers you are a bastard son/daughter because your Father isn't speaking loudly at your beck and call.
What if God isn't abandoning you or ignoring you but He's more attentive to you than you could ever imagine?
What if He is merely showing you a constructive love that transforms you while using silence as a tool?

Do you feel as if God is showing you a lot this season or as if He is being relatively silent?
If so, I hope this encourages you as always.

For the frens and for myself:


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