The Great Awakening

You're very hard to control when you're healthy.

You're very hard to manipulate when you're clear minded.

You're very hard to influence when you're sovereign.

You’re very hard to rattle when you’re centered.

You can’t really control the things happening around you, but you can focus on strengthening your mind, body, and soul to help yourself better endure and overcome the challenges that we are facing.

Become ungovernable.

Become unbreakable.

It does not take much discernment to look at the facts.

Legal docs like Trump's big EO's (which "Biden" keeps extending!??)

13818: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.

13912: National Emergency Authority To Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty.

13848: Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

The Military Justice Act.

Trump told you he was a wartime president. "There has never been an attack like this."

He told you "Joe was shot" and that it's "not him"

He told you about the "PAUSE" multiple times now.

He has confirmed Q 100 times over.

He told you all the news is fake, and you believe him. However then go ahead and repeat the narratives being pushed by the news?! I don't get it.

Support Trump. But ignore his words and actions?! Call everything a conspiracy and jump on CNN's coat tails to repeat "Q is fake and it's just like operation Trust. No one is coming to save you!"

I'm embarrassed for you.

How about stop attacking your fellow patriots and instead get up and do something to further the plan you spend your days on the toilet and cell phone attacking.

We have a damn country to save. And you and I were always the plan. So stop fighting and do something already.

I know you didn't necessarily sign up for this shyt. But your God and country have called for your help.

MIL-CIV alliance. This has never been attempted before. But here we are.

Attack we will. NCSWIC.

The real Great Awakening:

Satanists and seed of the serpent have taken over control of the entire world: government, corporations, banks, etc.

They do everything directly opposed to the moral law as written in the Bible.

They directly oppose YHWH and Yeshua.

In the end YHWH/Yeshua win.
If you don’t have a grasp of this concept then you’re not fully awake yet.

These are the only two sides.
All else are subdivided from these two original sides.


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