The Great Awakening

@Lucas_Gage_ telling it like it is. We are at a turning point in human history where fear and cowardice will not go unpunished. Your silence or your consent make you complicit in pure evil. Gage is righr, speak up NOW and speak up LOUD! This is about being on the right side of history. God looks at the love in your heart and the strength of your character, He knows your works. Judgment Day is coming, there is no safe middle ground anynore. Choose wisely.

Een ongekende ‘nucleaire waarheidsexplosie’ vond plaats in de Verenigde Staten, met wereldwijde impact, waarbij het gezicht van de aarde voor altijd veranderde. Het is echter niet het soort explosie dat we allemaal verwachten bij het gebruik van het woord ‘nucleair’, maar de impact is wereldwijd nog groter dan elke typische A-bom. Ik zal uitleggen wat er gebeurd is...

Er zijn drie mannen in onze wereld die een impact hebben op de mensheid in tegenstelling tot iedereen in de geschiedenis. Ze hebben de macht om een groot deel van het menselijk ras in een goede of een slechte richting te sturen. En nee, het zijn geen presidenten van welk land dan ook. Hun invloed is veel groter dan de politiek.
Always remember that if it was hopeless, there'd be no need for propaganda. If it was hopeless, there'd be no need for censorship.

The biggest white pill is knowing they're trying their absolute best to win. The fact that they're working each and every day to defeat you means they're scared.

Don't ever forget that.

A lot of talk about marijuana and schizophrenia.

I’m someone that’s partied in the past extensively and been around all sorts of mind altering drugs and booze.

I’ve seen dudes have absolute schizophrenia stoned off weed. Total paranoia & mind melting covos. Everyone has, most don’t admit it for some reason.

The inner dialogue can be devastating for some.

Bad trip like states.

I used to smoke often when I was younger but got rid of that habit fast. I can see and feel it’s effects and it was terrible. A slow grip, just like the plant itself.

A slow and steady grow over your mind and being. As if the plant was taking over your entire being. A vine that was tightening its grip.

Potheads who fight this have been taken over by the spirits of the plant.

They become rabid as they fight through the grip.

@Cernovich is right when he brings this discussion to light.

It deserves a critical discussion.

It’s just as bad as alcohol, just different.

Both are spirits coming for you.


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