The Great Awakening

@taylorswift13 - How do you feel about being owned and controlled by the very same Military Industrial Complex that orchestrated and carried out 9/11 with George HW Bush - and how do you feel about your social status being artificially inflated and used to sing lullabies to the masses in order to keep them asleep and unaware of the Crimes Against Humanity and TREASON this shadow cabal has committed on our own soil to set up the conditions to blow up the Middle-East and enrich their Weapons Defense Contracting Companies?

The Carlyle Group is a key pillar within the cabal - our invisible enemy that no one is talking about.

The morning of 9/11 -
GHW Bush Sr / bin Ladens / Carlyle Group meeting = setting up the premise of profiting in the Middle-East

"War-time is boom-time for the Defense Industry."

Bush / bin Laden / Carlyle Group.
9/11 = Profit - >
Destroy the Middle-East using their own defense agencies = $$$
"Re-build" Middle-East using their own contracting companies = $$$

They rigged elections to get rid of their opposition in political office who was actively speaking out against this shadow cabal.

This is the exact group Eisenhower & John F Kennedy SPECIFICALLY warned us about decades ago.

The Carlyle's - partnered with GHWB who had a hand in the assassination of John F Kennedy - funded 2.25 Million Dollars to remodel The John F Kennedy museum in Boston. They added JFK's infamous Moon Speech, as well as his, "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" speech, but omitted JFK railing against the growing power of the corporate / banking elite. 🤔

This is THE Time of The Great Awakening!
Truth is MORE accessible and spreading in today's time than it was 2 decades ago. Welcome to understanding why celebrities are literally bought as cheap expendable commodities and used as as insurance policies by the very same elites who's literal survival is dependent upon the masses remaining asleep and not waking that sleeping giant up.

"You Awake Is Their Greatest Fear"

Adding the cherry on top, we can see how Travis Kelce - @tkelce fits into this with his Pfizer sponsorship :

Carlyle Group gives $430 Million Investment to Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Contributor, Saama

"Saama Technologies, which partnered with Pfizer last year to speed up clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine through the power of artificial intelligence, secured $430 million investment from the Carlyle Group & venture funds from some of the pharmaceutical industry’s biggest companies".

Full One Hour Carlyle Group Documentary :

Ik geloof dat arbeid essentieel is en de mens de natuur niet de baas kan.
Daarnaast vind ik elke ideologie die zich met geweld en indoctrinatie meester van de samenleving maakt verwerpelijk.
Ik ben voor zelfbeschikking, eigen verantwoordelijkheid en wederzijds respect.

Mijn doel met die tweet is bewustzijn creeeren over fascisme door de brontekst ervan aan te halen.

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