The Great Awakening

The Bud Light Saga: A Tale of Second Chances and American Resilience

I’ve been noticing a curious development in the world of politics and marketing. It appears that both Dana White and Donald Trump are hinting at giving Bud Light a second chance. Could this be a sign of the times, as we quickly approach the “justice phase” and prepare ourselves for the concept of forgiveness and redemption?

I made this meme which was met with comments like “Never supporting that brand again” and “F*** Anheuser-Busch.”

In the midst of this intriguing turn of events, let's not forget that even villains can have their moment of redemption. As we separate the specific evil doers from the good old American brands and institutions that have been infiltrated, it's worth considering that perhaps even the most controversial of them deserve a shot at a second chance. After all, who among us hasn't made a mistake or two?

Bud was the first beer I ever consumed in my late teens. Got drunk as a skunk with my mates. A great memory (at least the parts that survived). I haven’t touched an AB product since the saga erupted.

As we navigate this complex landscape of politics, marketing, and the ever-evolving concept of justice, let's remember to keep an open mind and a sense of humor. In the end, we are all just humans trying to make sense of this crazy world we live in.

“But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

- Matthew 6:15

#budlight #CancelCulture

I believe one of the most important lessons to learn in this life is the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness requires character, and at the same time, is a character builder. It shows a certain level of maturity.

Resentment, grudges, and judgement are toxic. They stunt personal growth. They hold you captive.

Forgiveness sets you free.

2022 Russian artist's rendition of the fall of Babylon.

To me, this was a prophetic sign of what we are privileged to witness in our time.

Not only is the facade being lifted and the people's eyes being opened, but the cabal has been challenged like never before.

Apocalypse literally means "unveiling."

In other words, an unprecedented Great Awakening is taking place.

-Our elections are rigged.

-Mystery Bablyon, a system of veiled slavery, is being revealed

-Globalists controlled the world committing false flags and killing their opponents.

-JFK was a martyr for world peace

-The mainstream media is merely a propaganda arm of the establishment elites

-Thinking for ourselves is the key.

-A spiritual revival is taking place as evil is discovered on each mountain of society and this is taking us to new heights.

It is all happening before our eyes and we have this special honor of taking part in this crossroads in human history.

I am grateful for all of this and believe wholeheartedly that God wins!

Weekly recap of today’s clown world.

Edition #1:

-Joe Biden has a “poor memory” but still is able to hold nuclear launch codes.

-Donald Trump will more than likely win the Colorado case to keep him off the 2024 ballot.

-Nikki Haley can’t beat an imaginary character in Nevada.

-Classified documents don’t matter in Delaware, especially if you were a Senator or VP at the time.

-The Tucker and Putin interview was eye opening.

-The GOP wouldn’t have to delay the Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment if they didn’t continue to self sabotage.

-Sheriff Jones came back from a conference with the FBI stating there will be a terrorist attack on U.S. soil and barely anyone is talking about it.

-Biden’s dementia is getting progressively worse and even the Democrats are finally admitting it. Where were you in 2020?

-The “border bill” was just a ruse to provide more money to Ukraine & Israel.

-Illegal immigrants are beating the shit out of cops in NYC and this still isn’t enough to lock the border down.

-Somehow, Hillary Clinton still is trying to make herself relevant with interview but won’t discuss her husband liking his girls “really young”.

-Allegedly, the border of Gaza is directly next to Mexico. Who knew?

If you have enjoyed this post, give it a share!!

If this picks up traction, I will start doing this every Friday at 7PM CST!

@SteveLovesAmmo 👈🏻

🔥🔥🔥 Beste mensen,

voordat ik zo verder ga met deel 2, wil ik met jullie eerst het volgende bericht delen, aangezien ik niets te verbergen heb.
De berichten hierboven kunnen alleen van de desbetreffende persoon afkomen, in dit geval dus #Cynthakoeter, omdat zij de enige persoon is die mensen bij naam noemt en precies het middel noemt Venlafaxine, dat wat Janet idd heeft gebruikt bij haar noodlottige zelfmoord.

Ik kan gelijk al de volgende beschuldigingen van Cyntha jegens mij ontkrachten :
[het lijkt wel een soap 🫣]

1👉het klopt dat ik Ineke van mijn chatkanaal eraf heb gegooid👉Ineke werd al eerder op mij afgestuurd via mijn beste vriendin Alice omdat Ineke de opdracht had om op mij in te praten voordat ik over zou gaan tot publicatie.
Waar ik gelijk al aanvoelde dat zij werd aangestuurd door jou Cyntha en mijn gevoel bleek weer juist te zijn.
2👉dat ik mijn verleden zou verzwijgen en dat ik veroordeeld ben voor drugsdelicten [hasj] : dat klopt al heb ik het NOOIT verzwegen en heb er zelfs publiekelijk over geschreven.
Half Nederland weet wie ik ben.
“Take it or leave it zou ik zeggen”
lees de boeken over ons maar eens, dan weet je tenminste het hoe en waarom
👉ik zou Nederland zijn ontvlucht ???
Ook dat klopt weer niet.
Ik woon en werk gewoon in Italië en sta overal netjes ingeschreven [ jij ook Cyntha ?? ]
👉Ook weet je heel zeker, dat ik bovenstaande berichten, onmiddellijk zou verwijderen en degene zou blokken👉Ook niets van waar omdat ik het gewoon publiceer Cyntha omdat ik nu eenmaal niets te verbergen heb en jij juist des temeer !!
Waarom gebruik je allemaal aliassen bij je diverse berichten die ik heb ontvangen ???
👉ik gebruik mijn eigen naam !
Of is dat je gespleten persoonlijkheid, waar Janet al eerder over schreef.

Het mooiste van alles is, dat je juist zelf alles over je afroept.
Ik heb mijn straf netjes uitgezeten, zou jij daar ook eventueel bereid toe zijn ?
Misschien moet je na je 2e boek “een reis naar binnen” deel 3 gaan schrijven..

Tot laters……🫶

On June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order No. 11110, directing the Treasury to produce $4 billion worth of $2 and $5 bills.

The bills, supported by silver reserves stored in the Treasury's vaults, were issued without debt or interest. The seigniorage, or profit from coinage, went directly to the US government rather than to the privately owned US Federal Reserve Bank.

This issuance of notes was part of Kennedy's broader strategy to diminish the influence of the US Federal Reserve Bank.

On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.


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