The Great Reset / Agenda 2030

The World’s Billionaires Are Now All Building Underground Bunkers

Here’s World Economic Forum Yuval Noah Harari Telling Us A Flood Will Wipe Out Civilization

He Also Says When This Happens The Elites Will Be Saved & The Rest Of Us Will Drown… How Nice

"You have a small elite that pushes things in its own interests, even if it doesn't benefit the vast majority of the population. This has happened so many times previously in history, and it's totally going to happen again,"

“And one of the biggest dangers today is a technological utopia”

"Because probably for the elite, it will work. If bad comes to worst — when the flood comes, the scientists will build a Noah's ark for the elite, leaving the rest to drown." Yuval Noah Harari, The WEF, Klaus Schwab Top Advisor

The World’s Billionaires Are Now All Building Underground Bunkers

Here’s World Economic Forum Yuval Noah Harari Telling Us A Flood Will Wipe Out Civilization

He Also Says When This Happens The Elites Will Be Saved & The Rest Of Us Will Drown… How Nice

"You have a small elite that pushes things in its own interests, even if it doesn't benefit the vast majority of the population. This has happened so many times previously in history, and it's totally going to happen again,"

“And one of the biggest dangers today is a technological utopia”

"Because probably for the elite, it will work. If bad comes to worst — when the flood comes, the scientists will build a Noah's ark for the elite, leaving the rest to drown." Yuval Noah Harari, The WEF, Klaus Schwab Top Advisor


Typisch dat de 2e naam van die Duvel ook naar de Ark is vernoemd🙄

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