The Great Reset / Agenda 2030

The world is in bad shape.

Crime, drug addiction, and homelessness are out of control.

Inflation is raging, people are struggling to put gas in their car, food on their table, and keep a roof over their head.

Conflicts continue to escalate in the Middle East.

Don’t worry though everyone, the WEF has your back. They have determined that the actual biggest threats right now are hunting, fishing, and misinformation.

Rest easy folks, Klaus Schwab is on the job.

The World Economic Forum & FEMA Are Predicting Blackouts In 2024

It turns out “The Most Important Terrorist Attack You’ve Never Heard Of” was an attack on an American Power Plant, Our Infrastructure & Communication Lines

Why was this kept so secret? Was it a test run? We know The WEF has been planning this takeover for decades.

Joe Rogan (@joerogan) “A bunch of guys in 2013 broke into where this, uh, power plant is, I guess. These guys had a tactical attack on these generators. They came in and with guns took out, like, 7, like, multimillion dollar generators. April 16, 2013, a team of highly skilled gunmen opened fire on the Metcalf power substation in San Jose, California. In just under 10 minutes, they disabled 17 transformers and caused $15,000,000 in damage.

This is the most important terror attack you've never heard of. Fiber optic lines were cut not far from US Route 101 outside of San Jose. The substation loses Internet and phone service. 107 AM. Sub customers lost service cable in vault near the Metcalf substation was also cut.

A surveillance camera pointed along a chain link fence around the substation record a streak of light that investigators from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office think was a signal from a waved flashlight. It was followed by a muzzle flash of rifles”


Damon Imani heeft een virale hit gescoord met een korte video waarin hij op het podium van het WEF staat en Klaus Schwab, het WEF en de globalistische NWO naar de hel wenst. De clip is al miljoenen keren bekeken – en mensen vinden het geweldig, bericht Report24.​


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