The Great Reset / Agenda 2030

Ik hoorde dat het plan is dat ongevaccineerden straks ook geen essentiële winkels meer in mogen, klopt dat?
Yes, o.a. mijn vader.

Hij zei dat Hugo zei dat de ziekenhuizen bomvol liggen met ongevaccineerden en mijn vader zei dat hij dit helemaal niet geloofde.
Volgende week weer een weegmoment. Mijn vader vond het vreemd dat er op zo'n korte termijn een uitspraak gedaan kan worden.
Kortom, de twijfel en het ongeloof is begonnen. Hij kan ineens weer kritisch nadenken en ziet wat ik steeds beweerd heb dat dat aan het uitkomen is. Hij is in staat om een andere mening dan de overheid te hebben. Ongelooflijk.
Helaas voor hemzelf te laat vanwege het vaccin, maar voor de ontwaking goed. Ik blijf toch steeds hopen dat ik hem op een of andere manier kan redden. In ieder geval krijgt hij dus niet binnenkort zijn booster, want hij is nog niet aan de beurt en de scheur in het geloof is begonnen. Ik hoop op het beste.

In deze aflevering in de serie uitzendingen met Erik Boomsma, neemt hij ons mee in de wereld van de Eugenics Ideologie. Hij laat ons het historisch perspectief zien waartegen de actuele ontwikkelingen van Corona-maatregelen, medische experimenten met Covid-19 injecties, The Great Reset, Build Back Better en de New World Order moet worden gezien.
Plan deelauto's mislukt:
Van alle autoritten wordt slechts 0,02 procent met een deelauto uitgevoerd en dat aandeel is volgens het KiM sinds 2014 niet gegroeid.
op dit moment wordt het weer behoorlijk aangewakkerd, de verdeel en heers maatschappij De mensen die zich hebben laten inenten blijven de niet-ingeenten zeggen dat ze ziek gaan worden als ze zich niet laten inenten. EN dat ze anderen gaan besmetten

Echt. Red de schapen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Er is al meer over geschreven hier op het forum; de aankondiging van de terugkeer van de pokken.
Kreeg vandaag deze nieuwsbrief. Interessant. En reden te meer om ons goed voor te bereiden!

Please Prepare For This Now...
Over the past few months, I've come across little snippets of news that kept mentioning the possibility of a small pox outbreak.

I didn't put any weight into it at the time, but then this article came across my feed last week...

Why did this grab my attention?

Because Billy here was one of the primary leaders behind the CV19 "preparation games" that took place months before the outbreak in January of 2020.

And then I came across this article this morning which solidified things...

You can't create a vaccine for a virus that does not exist yet.

You must have the specific DNA sequence before you can go through the development process.

Yes, we have existing Smallpox vaccines for the traditional strain, but if this Smallpox virus has been "weaponized", they would have no idea how it's been modified unless they're they ones who created it in the first place.

And they would certainly not have the ability to develop a vaccine for this new version unless it's already in their hands.

With that in mind, I'm taking the time to write you today from a place of moral obligation.

At this point, I believe the release of Smallpox is likely to happen, and if it does, it's going to make 2020, and CV-19 look like child's play.

While CV-19 was an inconvenience with a 99.7% survival rate, Smallpox is another matter... I can only assume that "weaponized Smallpox" will be even worse.

What is Smallpox?

Here's a summary from the Mayo Clinic...

Smallpox is a contagious, disfiguring and often deadly disease that has affected humans for thousands of years. Naturally occurring smallpox was wiped out worldwide by 1980 — the result of an unprecedented global immunization campaign.

Samples of smallpox virus have been kept for research purposes. And advances in synthetic biology have made it possible to create smallpox from published amino acid sequences. This has led to concerns that smallpox could someday be used as a biological warfare agent.

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the risk of the vaccine's side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.

The first symptoms of smallpox usually appear 10 to 14 days after you're infected. During the incubation period of seven to 17 days, you look and feel healthy and can't infect others.

Following the incubation period, a sudden onset of flu-like signs and symptoms occurs. These include:

Overall discomfort
Severe fatigue
Severe back pain
Vomiting, possibly

A few days later, flat, red spots appear first on your face, hands and forearms, and later on your trunk. Within a day or two, many of these lesions turn into small blisters filled with clear fluid, which then turns into pus. Scabs begin to form eight to nine days later and eventually fall off, leaving deep, pitted scars.

Lesions also develop in the mucous membranes of your nose and mouth and quickly turn into sores that break open.

Most people who get smallpox survive. However, a few rare varieties of smallpox are almost always fatal. These more-severe forms most commonly affect pregnant women and people with impaired immune systems.

People who recover from smallpox usually have severe scars, especially on the face, arms and legs. In some cases, smallpox may cause blindness.

In the event of an outbreak, people who had smallpox would be kept in isolation in an effort to control the spread of the virus. Anyone who had contact with someone who developed an infection would need a smallpox vaccine, which can prevent or lessen the severity of the disease if given within four days of exposure to the smallpox virus.

Two vaccines are available. One vaccine (ACAM2000) uses a live virus that's related to smallpox, and it can occasionally cause serious complications, such as infections affecting the heart or brain. That's why it's not recommended that everyone be vaccinated at this time. The potential risks of the vaccine outweigh the benefits, in the absence of an actual smallpox outbreak.

A second vaccine, a modified vaccinia Ankara vaccine (Jynneos), has been found to be safe, and it can be used in people who aren't able to take ACAM2000, who have weakened immune systems or who have skin disorders.


As for the vaccines mentioned above, I have no idea if they'll be effective against whatever version of Smallpox they're staging for.

I know this is clear to most of you by now, but if it's not yet, please understand that we are at war.

CV19 was the first salvo.

It was designed to push the global population into vaccine passports which are the gateway to complete surveillance tracking, and social credit scores.

Social Credit scores are the means to enslave humanity in a virtual prison. Speak out against the system, or talk to the wrong person, and punishment comes swiftly via the app in the form of a reduce credit score, loan denial, job loss, or restriction of travel and movement.

Well their plan has met significant resistance.

Much of the world has woken up to this attempted tyranny, and protests are taking place around the world.

Weaponized Smallpox is the second salvo, and it will be devastating.

It turns out that the quarantine camps we've all seen images of being built in Australia, and even the US aren't for CV-19.

They are for Smallpox.

You will not be allowed to go anywhere without this new Smallpox vaccine.

Simple grocery store runs will come to an end.

Home-school and remote work only.

Zero air-travel, and all non-essential travel by car will be illegal like it has been in Australia.

Expect military style checkpoints in and out of every major city.

Freedom States like Texas and Florida will have no choice but to give in, as images of millions of people covered in sores will fill every second of the media.

I'd expect the death rate to exceed 20% or more with this lab-grown bug.

Now with a truly significant and terrifying death-rate, I expect the "unvaxxed" to be fully demonized as "dirty and full of disease" by the media.

Neighbor will turn against neighbor as trust is completely destroyed.

It is likely that you and I will not be able to realistically leave our homes in any meaningful way for 1-2 years, as the risks of person-to-person contact will be too great with a virus that has a 10-17 day incubation period.

I am sorry.

I take no joy in writing about this today, and my only motive is to give you a chance to prepare now while you can.

How much time do we have?

I don't know.

It will likely come this winter... December... January...

Or hopefully the next winter which would give us a year.

But with protests growing around the world by the day, I don't see why they'd wait another 12 months to give the push back time to grow.

It also gives new context to the warning China gave its citizens last week to "stock up on food"...
So what can you do?

Well all I can tell you is what we're doing...

1: We are searching for a home in the country with a few acres of land. Not just for safety, but for sanity...

To have the ability for the kids to play outside... To grow our own food, etc.

If you live downtown or in a hi-rise, I would get out ASAP.

Your home will become your prison, just as we watched happen in China two years ago and Australia now.

2: You will need REAL protection... The fake muzzle masks are worthless. You will need N95+ masks, respirators, and eye protection.

This is coming from someone who's refused to wear one for the past two years.

3: Get whatever medical procedures you need done now... Eyes, dental, surgeries, etc. For example, Michelle just got LASIK two weeks ago so she's no longer dependent on glasses or contacts.

Hospitals will be over run with Smallpox patients and in extreme lockdowns. They will be incredibly understaffed given most healthcare workers are currently walking out due to the vaccine mandates.

4: Stock up on all necessary food, supplies, supplements, and medications.

Think back to when CV19 first hit...

Remember the empty grocery store shelves?

I do.

And it will be 10 time worse this round because of the increase in panic, AND the already crippled supply chains.

If you're paying attention to what's been happening in global agriculture, you know there's a massive supply shortage of fertilizer.

Farmers around the world can't find enough to plant next year's crop because the raw materials to manufacture it have stopped flowing.

Countries like China and Russia have put a halt to all fertilizer exports within the last month in order to give it to their own farmers.

Farmers in the US are also dealing with a lack of spare parts and tires for their equipment.

This is a MASSIVE problem that is silently creeping up on the world, and that won't be fully visible until next summer.

We've purchased an extra deep freezer for the garage and have filled it with protein.

We'll be building a garden as soon as we can.

And we've stocked up on a year of emergency food, medications, consumables like toothpastes, deodorant, etc.

We didn't bother with sanitizer during CV, but we will be using it if Smallpox appears.

If you live in a region with freezing winter temperatures, make sure you're prepared for a winter without power like we experienced in Texas last spring.

5: If you have kids, make sure you purchase books, games, and other activities to keep them occupied and stimulated. Use this time to teach them skills and history instead of just sticking them in front of an iPad or TV.

6: Find a way to earn a living online. If you haven't made this a priority yet, you need to do so ASAP.

7: If you have rental properties with long-term tenants, I'd consider changing those to short-term rentals which will give you more legal room to manage them effectively.

Why? I expect moratoriums on rent again, which means you could be stuck with mortgage payments, but no income from tenants.

We thought about renting our current home out once we move, but it's too risky. We will be selling it.

8: Have cash ready to put into growth and dividend stocks.

The first hint of Smallpox will cause a massive crash like the one we saw in March of 2020.

Then the government will have no choice but to print trillions more to stimulate the economy.

This is your opportunity.

If you invested during the March crash when the world was panicking, you've made incredible gains.

Every new round of stimulus is less and less effective, which means it takes trillions and trillions more to move the economy, but it will absolutely boost stock and asset prices.

This may ultimately lead to hyperinflation as more cash continues to chase fewer goods.

Our portfolio includes crypto assets to hedge against inflation, and cash to hedge against deflation.

I think that's the best you can do in these unprecedented times.

9: Arm yourself. People are going to get desperate and mental stability is going to decline.

They've already defunded the police, and during a truly serious outbreak like Smallpox, I doubt they'll be making house calls at all.

Your protection will be up to you.

Expect guns and ammo to sell out once again, so get them now, along with the skills to use them.

10: If you are in a bad or abusive relationship, get out of it and move now while you can.

11: Unplug yourself from the news, and plug yourself into positive stimulus. Protecting your mindset and your emotions from fear and depression is 90% of the battle, but it requires conscious effort and needs to become your default habit.

Meditation, prayer, and breathe work are superpowers.

Two groups of people have emerged from CV19... Those who were broken by it, and those who turned it into motivation for massive positive change and transformation in their lives.

Some parents turned to drugs, alcohol, and abuse.

Others turned it into a chance to focus on their health and connecting with their partner and children.

I would recommend the second option.

So will there really be a Smallpox pandemic?

I don't know.

But when I start to see this many clues pointing in one direction, I take them seriously.

Ultimately, you have to prepare for these things ahead of time before they happen, without any guarantee that they will.

I know a few people who think my view of the world right now is silly.

But I know far more... Many of whom are much smarter than I am... Who are taking the same measures we are.

At the end of the day, we'd rather be prepared and not need this stuff, than to need it and not have it.

Please know that this email is not intended to cause fear.

It is intended to give you an opportunity to create safety and security in your life.

It is intended to give you the time you need to lead... To take care of your friends and family members who are not capable of taking care of themselves.

Thank you for your leadership today, and in the years to come.
Mike Dillard
Er is al meer over geschreven hier op het forum; de aankondiging van de terugkeer van de pokken.
Kreeg vandaag deze nieuwsbrief. Interessant. En reden te meer om ons goed voor te bereiden!

Please Prepare For This Now...
Over the past few months, I've come across little snippets of news that kept mentioning the possibility of a small pox outbreak.

I didn't put any weight into it at the time, but then this article came across my feed last week...
Bekijk bijlage 5213

Why did this grab my attention?

Because Billy here was one of the primary leaders behind the CV19 "preparation games" that took place months before the outbreak in January of 2020.

And then I came across this article this morning which solidified things...
Bekijk bijlage 5214

You can't create a vaccine for a virus that does not exist yet.

You must have the specific DNA sequence before you can go through the development process.

Yes, we have existing Smallpox vaccines for the traditional strain, but if this Smallpox virus has been "weaponized", they would have no idea how it's been modified unless they're they ones who created it in the first place.

And they would certainly not have the ability to develop a vaccine for this new version unless it's already in their hands.

With that in mind, I'm taking the time to write you today from a place of moral obligation.

At this point, I believe the release of Smallpox is likely to happen, and if it does, it's going to make 2020, and CV-19 look like child's play.

While CV-19 was an inconvenience with a 99.7% survival rate, Smallpox is another matter... I can only assume that "weaponized Smallpox" will be even worse.

What is Smallpox?

Here's a summary from the Mayo Clinic...

Smallpox is a contagious, disfiguring and often deadly disease that has affected humans for thousands of years. Naturally occurring smallpox was wiped out worldwide by 1980 — the result of an unprecedented global immunization campaign.

Samples of smallpox virus have been kept for research purposes. And advances in synthetic biology have made it possible to create smallpox from published amino acid sequences. This has led to concerns that smallpox could someday be used as a biological warfare agent.

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the risk of the vaccine's side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.

The first symptoms of smallpox usually appear 10 to 14 days after you're infected. During the incubation period of seven to 17 days, you look and feel healthy and can't infect others.

Following the incubation period, a sudden onset of flu-like signs and symptoms occurs. These include:

Overall discomfort
Severe fatigue
Severe back pain
Vomiting, possibly
Bekijk bijlage 5215

A few days later, flat, red spots appear first on your face, hands and forearms, and later on your trunk. Within a day or two, many of these lesions turn into small blisters filled with clear fluid, which then turns into pus. Scabs begin to form eight to nine days later and eventually fall off, leaving deep, pitted scars.

Lesions also develop in the mucous membranes of your nose and mouth and quickly turn into sores that break open.

Most people who get smallpox survive. However, a few rare varieties of smallpox are almost always fatal. These more-severe forms most commonly affect pregnant women and people with impaired immune systems.

People who recover from smallpox usually have severe scars, especially on the face, arms and legs. In some cases, smallpox may cause blindness.

In the event of an outbreak, people who had smallpox would be kept in isolation in an effort to control the spread of the virus. Anyone who had contact with someone who developed an infection would need a smallpox vaccine, which can prevent or lessen the severity of the disease if given within four days of exposure to the smallpox virus.

Two vaccines are available. One vaccine (ACAM2000) uses a live virus that's related to smallpox, and it can occasionally cause serious complications, such as infections affecting the heart or brain. That's why it's not recommended that everyone be vaccinated at this time. The potential risks of the vaccine outweigh the benefits, in the absence of an actual smallpox outbreak.

A second vaccine, a modified vaccinia Ankara vaccine (Jynneos), has been found to be safe, and it can be used in people who aren't able to take ACAM2000, who have weakened immune systems or who have skin disorders.


As for the vaccines mentioned above, I have no idea if they'll be effective against whatever version of Smallpox they're staging for.

I know this is clear to most of you by now, but if it's not yet, please understand that we are at war.

CV19 was the first salvo.

It was designed to push the global population into vaccine passports which are the gateway to complete surveillance tracking, and social credit scores.

Social Credit scores are the means to enslave humanity in a virtual prison. Speak out against the system, or talk to the wrong person, and punishment comes swiftly via the app in the form of a reduce credit score, loan denial, job loss, or restriction of travel and movement.

Well their plan has met significant resistance.

Much of the world has woken up to this attempted tyranny, and protests are taking place around the world.

Weaponized Smallpox is the second salvo, and it will be devastating.

It turns out that the quarantine camps we've all seen images of being built in Australia, and even the US aren't for CV-19.

They are for Smallpox.
Bekijk bijlage 5216

You will not be allowed to go anywhere without this new Smallpox vaccine.

Simple grocery store runs will come to an end.

Home-school and remote work only.

Zero air-travel, and all non-essential travel by car will be illegal like it has been in Australia.

Expect military style checkpoints in and out of every major city.

Freedom States like Texas and Florida will have no choice but to give in, as images of millions of people covered in sores will fill every second of the media.

I'd expect the death rate to exceed 20% or more with this lab-grown bug.

Now with a truly significant and terrifying death-rate, I expect the "unvaxxed" to be fully demonized as "dirty and full of disease" by the media.

Neighbor will turn against neighbor as trust is completely destroyed.

It is likely that you and I will not be able to realistically leave our homes in any meaningful way for 1-2 years, as the risks of person-to-person contact will be too great with a virus that has a 10-17 day incubation period.

I am sorry.

I take no joy in writing about this today, and my only motive is to give you a chance to prepare now while you can.

How much time do we have?

I don't know.

It will likely come this winter... December... January...

Or hopefully the next winter which would give us a year.

But with protests growing around the world by the day, I don't see why they'd wait another 12 months to give the push back time to grow.

It also gives new context to the warning China gave its citizens last week to "stock up on food"...
Bekijk bijlage 5217
So what can you do?

Well all I can tell you is what we're doing...

1: We are searching for a home in the country with a few acres of land. Not just for safety, but for sanity...

To have the ability for the kids to play outside... To grow our own food, etc.

If you live downtown or in a hi-rise, I would get out ASAP.

Your home will become your prison, just as we watched happen in China two years ago and Australia now.

2: You will need REAL protection... The fake muzzle masks are worthless. You will need N95+ masks, respirators, and eye protection.

This is coming from someone who's refused to wear one for the past two years.

3: Get whatever medical procedures you need done now... Eyes, dental, surgeries, etc. For example, Michelle just got LASIK two weeks ago so she's no longer dependent on glasses or contacts.

Hospitals will be over run with Smallpox patients and in extreme lockdowns. They will be incredibly understaffed given most healthcare workers are currently walking out due to the vaccine mandates.

4: Stock up on all necessary food, supplies, supplements, and medications.

Think back to when CV19 first hit...

Remember the empty grocery store shelves?

I do.

And it will be 10 time worse this round because of the increase in panic, AND the already crippled supply chains.

If you're paying attention to what's been happening in global agriculture, you know there's a massive supply shortage of fertilizer.

Farmers around the world can't find enough to plant next year's crop because the raw materials to manufacture it have stopped flowing.

Countries like China and Russia have put a halt to all fertilizer exports within the last month in order to give it to their own farmers.

Farmers in the US are also dealing with a lack of spare parts and tires for their equipment.

This is a MASSIVE problem that is silently creeping up on the world, and that won't be fully visible until next summer.

We've purchased an extra deep freezer for the garage and have filled it with protein.

We'll be building a garden as soon as we can.

And we've stocked up on a year of emergency food, medications, consumables like toothpastes, deodorant, etc.

We didn't bother with sanitizer during CV, but we will be using it if Smallpox appears.

If you live in a region with freezing winter temperatures, make sure you're prepared for a winter without power like we experienced in Texas last spring.

5: If you have kids, make sure you purchase books, games, and other activities to keep them occupied and stimulated. Use this time to teach them skills and history instead of just sticking them in front of an iPad or TV.

6: Find a way to earn a living online. If you haven't made this a priority yet, you need to do so ASAP.

7: If you have rental properties with long-term tenants, I'd consider changing those to short-term rentals which will give you more legal room to manage them effectively.

Why? I expect moratoriums on rent again, which means you could be stuck with mortgage payments, but no income from tenants.

We thought about renting our current home out once we move, but it's too risky. We will be selling it.

8: Have cash ready to put into growth and dividend stocks.

The first hint of Smallpox will cause a massive crash like the one we saw in March of 2020.

Then the government will have no choice but to print trillions more to stimulate the economy.

This is your opportunity.

If you invested during the March crash when the world was panicking, you've made incredible gains.

Every new round of stimulus is less and less effective, which means it takes trillions and trillions more to move the economy, but it will absolutely boost stock and asset prices.

This may ultimately lead to hyperinflation as more cash continues to chase fewer goods.

Our portfolio includes crypto assets to hedge against inflation, and cash to hedge against deflation.

I think that's the best you can do in these unprecedented times.

9: Arm yourself. People are going to get desperate and mental stability is going to decline.

They've already defunded the police, and during a truly serious outbreak like Smallpox, I doubt they'll be making house calls at all.

Your protection will be up to you.

Expect guns and ammo to sell out once again, so get them now, along with the skills to use them.

10: If you are in a bad or abusive relationship, get out of it and move now while you can.

11: Unplug yourself from the news, and plug yourself into positive stimulus. Protecting your mindset and your emotions from fear and depression is 90% of the battle, but it requires conscious effort and needs to become your default habit.

Meditation, prayer, and breathe work are superpowers.

Two groups of people have emerged from CV19... Those who were broken by it, and those who turned it into motivation for massive positive change and transformation in their lives.

Some parents turned to drugs, alcohol, and abuse.

Others turned it into a chance to focus on their health and connecting with their partner and children.

I would recommend the second option.

So will there really be a Smallpox pandemic?

I don't know.

But when I start to see this many clues pointing in one direction, I take them seriously.

Ultimately, you have to prepare for these things ahead of time before they happen, without any guarantee that they will.

I know a few people who think my view of the world right now is silly.

But I know far more... Many of whom are much smarter than I am... Who are taking the same measures we are.

At the end of the day, we'd rather be prepared and not need this stuff, than to need it and not have it.

Please know that this email is not intended to cause fear.

It is intended to give you an opportunity to create safety and security in your life.

It is intended to give you the time you need to lead... To take care of your friends and family members who are not capable of taking care of themselves.

Thank you for your leadership today, and in the years to come.
Mike Dillard
Dat zou wel heftig zijn ja :-(

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