Trump 2024

“We must return to the good old days of the Republican Party when we sent our young people to die in wars that could not be won, shipped our jobs overseas and by doing so impoverished entire regions of the country, and refused to assert control over our own national borders, which by failing to do so we impoverish the minority working classes more than anyone else. President Trump, the president who is responsible for ending Roe v Wade, is bad.”


Zou mij niet verbazen als Trump hem als VP kiest en dat hij al die tijd een toneelstuk heeft opgevoerd.

Desantis thinks he is over the target just because people spent money to defeat him in a failing political campaign, but fails to recognize that the establishment spent the better part of half a decade framing Donald Trump for treason, impeaching him for someone else's crimes, using the mainstream media as a constant attack dog, blatant voter fraud and literally creating a virus to prevent him from landsliding his way to a second term.
The fact that many of today's political class have suddenly gained amnesia about just how much they attacked Donald Trump is hysterical. They refuse to acknowledge what really happened, but those of us who witnessed it will never forget.
These attacks were for a very specific reason.
They fear their global order is in danger and they are right.

And there it is.
The kiss of death.

Word to the wise, when your political opponents, the same ones who work overtime to label you and yours as truly horrible people, domestic terrorists, and would like you and your children to suffer & die, it's best not to take advice from them on which candidate they'd prefer you vote for.…


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