Breaking! Nikki Haley’s New Hampshire director lobbied for dark money giant, Arabella, that helped Biden win 2020 election!
Looks like all our hunches about Niki Haley were right!
“Tyler Clark, who became Haley’s 2024 state director for the Granite State late last year, is listed on lobbying disclosures filed in New Hampshire as working in 2020 on behalf of Sixteen Thirty Fund, a nonprofit group managed by Arabella Advisors, the largest liberal dark money network in the United States.
Sixteen Thirty Fund, which is being investigated by the Washington, D.C., attorney general’s office over financial mismanagement allegations along with the broader Arabella network, doled out more than $410 million in 2020 to boost Democrats and help unseat former President Donald Trump, all thanks to billionaire donors such as George Soros.”
“Clark’s clients have also in recent years included the Granite State’s ACLU, which advocates on its website for “abortion rights in New Hampshire,” supported cashless bail to the ire of Republicans, and called for “dismantling systemic racism,” according to a Washington Examiner review. The New Hampshire ACLU supported Trump’s impeachment and habitually railed against the president while he was in office.”
EXCLUSIVE — The New Hampshire state director for Republican Nikki Haley's presidential campaign lobbied in 2020 for a Democratic dark money organization that spent millions of dollars that year willing Joe Biden to the White House, among other left-wing groups, documents show. Tyler Clark, who...