Trump 2024

A MUST READ: There's a lot of talk about the Democrats bringing in a last minute replacement candidate to run in 2024 for Joe Biden since it's been publicly proven that he is unfit for office, much less able to run again for another 4 years. There's a problem though that people aren't thinking about.

Every single state has their own election laws that REQUIRE a candidate to have filed, paid the fees, and aquired the necessary signatures (sometimes as many as several thousand from EVERY voting district in that state) before they can run as a presidential candidate in that state. There's only 11 states and DC left whose filing dates haven't already passed. Half of those remaining 11 state's final filing dates are today, February 9th, 2024.

-New Jersey
-New Mexico
-South Dakota
- District of Columbia

People say "oh they'll just change the laws in the 39 states whose final filing dates have already passed". Well, there are laws preventing that as well. Most states say any changes made to the election laws must be completed before the state begins accepting applications from potential candidates. In fact, many states say new election laws passed will not take effect until the following election cycle. So, change them in 2024, they won't take effect until 2028.

There's protection here provided to someone in Trump's position. If a state tries to alter it's election laws to allow a last minute registration or a last minute change to their laws, Trump can use the state's own statutes against them and sue to stop them with a court injunction. State election laws are pretty well set in stone if not changed on time. Unless those "replacement candidates" filed discretely long ago, the deadline to file has already passed in 39 states.

@kevincorke @KanekoaTheGreat @AwakenedOutlaw @IQUQWEQ @Americanlll @drawandstrike @deluxe_pepe @RealJamesWoods @TheParasiteGuy @TPV_John @BrainStorm_Joe @austerrewyatt1 @elonmusk

The main plea of Nikki Haley's scam campaign is this:
Trump upended the status quo and that makes us all uncomfortable when they framed him for treason and declared all out war just to stop one single man.
I don't have to tell you what an idiotic talking point this is but I will.
She is basically saying, Trump is so over the target and that causes chaos so why not choose me and go back to the normalcy of never ending wars and scams?
Oh, did I mention she is clearly trying to push the "they are both too old" talking point for a reason.
She is a sacrificial pawn attempting to pave the way for someone else.
It makes no sense any other way.
Watch who comes after her because they will be the real uniparty candidate.


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