Trump 2024

I'm curious as to how, come the Democrats convention in Chicago this summer when they pull the predictable switcheroo by replacing Joe with Michelle, they're going to admit that she has always sported a giant schlong.

Sure the media conspired to help run cover for Michelle as First "Lady"...but as the presidential candidate, there is a zero percent chance that "her" fleshy appendage gets a pass from opposition research - not when everything is on the line.

So, the million-dollar question that remains to be seen is if America is down with a trans president who tucks/tapes back the wedding tackle?

My bet is that the answer to that is 'hell no', but it would help explain the overwhelming effort by the media to try and normalize gender-benders years ahead of time.

Die Soros begon hier ook al over en nu ook vanuit Nederland. Ik denk zo dat we hier de komende 3/4 jaar meer over gaan horen, vanuit verschillende hoeken uit de wereld. Het narratief over dat populisme slecht is wordt door de bühne nagekauwd.
Everybody wants to talk about how much $$$ will be wasted continuing the primaries. And how supposedly dumb Trump is he didn't just take the nomination right now when they offered to just GIVE IT TO HIM.

How about we talk about how much Democrat NGO DARK MONEY is being set on fire and pissed away to get Democrats to frantically try to blunt Trump's #'s in these primaries that HE'S GOING TO WIN ANYWAY that Democrats could've used in races later this year for the General Election, HMMMMMMMM? 🤔

If these retards wanna spend millions to ensure that Trump 'only' wins races like those coming up in South Carolina by 19 points rather than 25 points, you have NO IDEA just how much I am in favor of that.

They wanna spend MILLIONS AND MILLIONS getting out Democrat 'rent-a-mob' voters for 1 day to vote for Haley in GOP primaries?

And then Trump will still beat down her bony warmongering ass by double digits anyway?


So you mean to tell me that Donald Trump will easily be the Republican nominee? I'm so shocked... wow. It's almost like the people aren't buying the typical political clownshow anymore!

The people saw Trump turn the country around while having the entire swamp against him. They clearly don't want a president who's going to "play nice" with the establishment.

The people are making a collective decision to not return to how things were. The awakening process they've been on can't be taken back or forgotten.

This is just the beginning of the Trump landslide. It's not just Republicans.. the people have sat through a disasterous Biden administration. They reject the NWO path the deep state wants to take this country down. Mainstream culture has been shifting towards it bring "cool" to support Trump.

Trump is really just a symbol for The Great Awakening. It's not about a political party. The deep state has tried to brainwash everyone to hate him, yet they do not. They love him. NCSWIC 🇺🇲🌎


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