Trump 2024

Tucker says that the reason the establishment and the intelligence agencies framed Trump for treason and hate him is because he was preventing their death cult from starting new wars.
"And they certainly don't care that Trump has a naughty mouth, said something you know untoward off camera They could care less. These are filthy people. No, they care about war. They want the power…to kill That's it And that's the power of course everyone…who wants to be god seeks to possess That's why human sacrifice was the thing I have the power to kill. Only God has the power over life and death and that's the power they want. And Trump has stood in their way Imperfectly, but Trump's the only president you know since Jimmy Carter most of my life who hasn't committed us to a brand new war. That's what they hate about him. That's what they were trying to change over the last couple of days. I saw it. That's all they cared about And they lied about it of course and they said all kinds of things were like insane and totally untrue but that was the motivator right there. And when Trump came out in twenty sixteen and said the Iraq War was a mistake which was very obvious to those of us who were in Iraq while it was going on... It was like news to nobody. It was shocking in Washington and that was the point at which they sick the FBI on him. They started bugging him. They decided we cannot have this guy Because he was trying to limit their most important of all power, which is to hurt other people. And so you should just know this That's what the stakes are. It's going to win I think it's going to be I think it's going to be really important to rolling back some of this insanity, but there are a lot of people who…have other agendas and you should just be aware of."

Tucker says Trump showed undeniable strength in the face of a test few would pass last Satuday during the assassination attempt. He says you can't fake that kind of bravery.

"Strength…is the basic requirement of leadership. Weak leadership is an oxymoron. And with weak leaders, a nation dies a family dies a weak father will destroy a family, you know a weak officer will get his men killed and a weak president will wreck his country. And that's exactly what we've seen I mean Biden's core problem is weakness. And what Trump displayed on Saturday was…strength of the most basic kind that is impossible to fake. You can think whatever you want about Trump or whatever you've heard about Trump. You watch that tape. The guy shot in the face and is bleeding. And forces the Secret Service to allow them to stand up and faces the crowd. All men when they're boys tell themselves well something happened I would jump right in And you know what I mean... Like I'd stop the shooter. But you don't know that actually? Because you're not faced with it I mean very few people are tested in the way Trump was tested on Saturday and not only did he pass he got the highest score ever recorded. And so you can't look at that. And it's not again it's not fakeable. That's just real It's undeniably real. No one staged that. And so anyone who looks at that video, I think comes away thinking that person has to lead the country because the option is more destruction. That's what I think Just watch the video."

Tucker says Trump's bravery in the face of assassination just won him the election:
"Let's be honest, Trump just won…won, not only did you survive an assassination attempt he stood up…without knowing whether there were other shooters there he stood up and faced the crowd and raised his hand and said fight fight fight That's it…You do that you win. And by the way, I happened to notice that the crowd which also didn't know whether there were other shooters, who watched Trump get shot in the face, they did not bolt. It wasn't like a fire in a theater actually. They sat there and watched him intently. And when he stood up they applauded him and many cried. Why is that? Because a brave leader gives his people heart That's why. It's exactly why…So with that…Trump became president. I bet my house on it, and he defeated the Democrats. And on merit, by the way, not through the usual political scheming.. I'll trade you a senate seat for your vote Nope. He did it by being a man in a nation of people who aren't quite just being honest. Okay? He acted like a man the kind of man I respect and I think every person feels with every person no matter what you think of Trump, because leadership isn't actually…all about you know the way you talk. It's about how brave you are That's what people want They want a brave leader."

Tucker gives a resounding endorsement of JD Vance as Vice President by claiming that all the right people, the warmongers, are completely against him.
It's a lot easier to tell who the people who are only in it because they like I don't know killing other people in pointless wars. Like I know who those people are and their odor is so powerful that I can smell one when he walks in the room. And every single one of those people in a line that would extend from Milwaukee to Chicago was lined up over the last week to knife JD Van. Not on personal grounds I mean he's a perfectly nice guy He's like one of the only members of the Senate with a happy marriage…True. But because they thought he would be harder to manipulate and slightly less enthusiastic about killing people that's it, that he would be an impediment to their exercising power Boy they went after him in a way I've just kind of never seen which I think happens every day in Washington I just don't have a vantage on it because I'm far far away and grateful to be. And again I was just reminded…that this process is so ugly that normal people do not want to participate in it, and yet normal people have to suck it up and do so anyway because the consequences are just so profound and so very serious."

I realize that JD Vance is not the candidate us awake conspiracy theorists would prefer, but I trust Trump's judgment.
He knows what he is doing, and he's gotten us this far without the Trump train falling off the rails.
We've come an insanely long way since 2016, in terms of awakening and fighting the deep state.
I'm ALL the way in it until the end of this wild ride.
Trump is my guy and I will be loyal to him while he completes his God-given mission.
He took a damn bullet for us. The least we can do is give him all the support we can give him.
Pray for him and the safety of America as we head into the end of this roller coaster.
We can see the finish line now.
God will get us where we need to go.
America will be saved. 🇺🇲

This is comically suspicious. The FBI is having trouble breaking into Thomas Crooke's phone for finding a motive as to why this all happened when we all know how easy it is for them to access all of our information and devices. What is the delay for? Are they going to scrub everything that we could possibly find out about this kid? Not only this but he basically had no social media presence whatsoever. This is extremely rare.
-His therapist father purchased the gun for him.
-The rooftop was not secured when it should have been.
-A cop backed away from the shooter allowing him to get the shots off.
-Footage of the situation shows that the snipers easily must have seen the shooter on the roof before he even came close to taking the shot.
-Many security experts claim this looks like extreme incompetence or collusion.
-Think about everything the CIA, FBI, and the establishment have done to Trump and remember that there is noto find low they will not sink to after they killed JFK.
"There's very little online about him. There was no manifesto very little social media presence but you're slowly putting together a picture of who this is.
The key to this potentially is the phone His cell phone has been taken to FBI's research and laboratories in Quantico Virginia they're gonna try to break through the security, download everything on that phone I think it's important for people to understand these cell phone forensic programs Even if you try to delete something it can typically find a record of what you tried to delete if not the actual thing itself. And so they can get that information off of there It's what might be deleted They could be as helpful to them as what is actually on the phone but text messages, photos, apps, everything he's doing Anything he tried to Google Any memos anything he tried to Google his recent web history, how important might that be Because right now we're told federal investigators, they just don't have it There's nothing there on the motive front We do know a couple additional things One the gun was purchased legally. It's our reporting that it was purchased by the father And I know folks are gonna immediately ask questions about that and say okay, did the father know the family aware it is our understanding from the FBI They've set it on the record The family is cooperating."


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