Trump 2024

What if Trump's uncle John was right and did develop time travel?
The books of Ingersoll Lockwood called Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey from 1893, about a boy that could time travel.
And The Last President from 1896 about a very wealthy man who lived on 5th Avenue in New York.
Nikola Tesla claimed to have developed time travel and lived in the same building as Ingersoll Lockwood. What if Ingersoll was Tesla's time traveler?

What if Trump's uncle John was right and did develop time travel?
The books of Ingersoll Lockwood called Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey from 1893, about a boy that could time travel.
And The Last President from 1896 about a very wealthy man who lived on 5th Avenue in New York.
Nikola Tesla claimed to have developed time travel and lived in the same building as Ingersoll Lockwood. What if Ingersoll was Tesla's time traveler?

Dr. Kek - What do you make of this?
Recently resigned Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle says she was with Dick Cheney in the White House on 9/11 on his detail.

She says she helped evacuate the then Vice President Cheney from his office at the White House and remained with him for the rest ofthe day.

"It's like a choreographed moment."

Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta testified how Dick Cheney gave the stand down order on 9/11 to NORAD.

Picture on your right is of Dick Cheney with his legs on the table watching the towers collapse on television during 9/11.

What are the odds Kimberly Cheatle was was present on 9/11 and also involved in the assassination attempt of President Trump.

Donald Trump has stated that he will declassify the 9/11 files, and the timing of the new footage certainly coincides with the attempt on his life.

Kimberly Cheatle had the means, motive and the opportunity.


No not at all.

But I ask again - who gives the head of SS the orders ?

It is mandated by Congress with two distinct and critical national security missions: protecting the nation's leaders and safeguarding the financial and critical infrastructure of the United States.

Protect the power and money .

Who controls Congress ?
Who controls the money ?

See how this works ?

Follow the money and power and you find out who really ordered this


Het ontwaken van Don JR over de corruptie in onze instellingen veranderde alles. Je bent geen complottheoreticus als je je afvraagt waarom de geheime dienst een kind twintig minuten op een dak heeft achtergelaten. Hij zegt dat het verlies van vertrouwen in het systeem ervoor zorgt dat het systeem zijn macht verliest. Mensen worden wakker. Het is tijd dat de massa zich bij ons aansluit!
"Het is allemaal een leugen. En voor mij weet je dat het ontwaken alles heeft veranderd. Ik denk niet echt dat jongens van de geheime dienst-video die ik ken en respecteer... weet je, op magische wijze een heel dak onbewaakt achterlieten waar een man met een geweer kan er twintig minuten lang zijn. Alsof dat niet het geval is, dat gebeurt niet goed. Dat is niet het feit dat je geen complottheoreticus bent als je denkt dat dat gewoon toeval is. Dus als je genoeg van deze dingen ziet, verlies je veel vertrouwen in die instellingen. Als je veel vertrouwen in die instellingen verliest, verliezen ze hun macht, maar alle anderen moeten tot hetzelfde komen. conclusie." @DonaldJTrumpJr

Ultimately they can’t win.

Unfortunately they can’t lose either.

This is an existential threat for them.

If there is an election there will be blatant cheating bc they can’t overcome the vote this time.

So they will likely create war or a constitutional crisis in order to try to bypass the election.

Perhaps the military then has to intervene. But how? Maybe not with shutdown but perhaps by holding the election themselves?

They. Can. Not. Lose.

So something is coming.
They’ve already tried to shoot at Trump (again).


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