
Nou met die snelheid waarmee zijn podcasts momenteel (pakweg een dag of drie nu) worden uitgezonden kun je er wel twee luisteren..
Jeetje hij vliegt er doorheen, of ben ik de enige die dit vindt??
Valt wel mee toch, gewoon op tijd opstaan en ff luisteren meestal staat Dave bij mij om 5 uur al aan
Trump update:
Has it been at all noticed that I offered to debate anybody, on television or otherwise, about the RIGGED Presidential Election of 2020. This was a publicly stated challenge—I have been called a “ratings machine,” and therefore would be good for television economics—which have not been doing so well lately. With all the bravado out there, I have not had one credible person willing to stand up and debate me in order to defend the CROOKED election. All involved, like those on the Unselect Committee of January 6th, know that it is a losing proposition for them. The election numbers are not defensible. Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada, and probably New Hampshire, Minnesota, New Mexico, and others were all won, and in some cases big, by a certain Republican Presidential Candidate, me.

So, after one month, a very public offer to debate, I have no takers—not even the sleazebags you see on the January 6th Commission who speak with such fake reverence about the day. This is Cancel Culture. They think they got away with the Crime of the Century, and they don’t want it to be talked about or discussed. Look at what has happened to our Country, and what a shame it is!
Ik bedoel de snelheid waarmee hij spreekt. Ik bedoel dat Dave zijn podcasts op 1,5 of 2 x de snelheid afspeelt.

Bericht van Dave x22 over die snelheid van z’n podcasts 👇🏻 Via TG

For those wondering about the reports for the last two days, the software I use was updated and there was a glitch where It removed the white spaces when exporting the video. The software has been patched and that problem is now fixed. For any issues you can visit this page to find the status ->

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