
Persconferentie Trump is op donderdag 6 januari om 5:00PM EST in de VS, dat is bij ons 6 uur later, dus 11 uur 's avonds.

[Doorgestuurd van Donald J. Trump]
45th President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Press Conference

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a press conference on Thursday, January 6, 2022, at 5:00PM EST.

Thursday, January 6, 2022, at 5:00PM EST
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Holds a Press Conference

1100 S Ocean Blvd
Palm Beach, FL 33480

Timeline of Events:
12:00PM to 1:00PM – Media Equipment and Satellite Truck Pre-Set
3:00PM – Media Re-Entry and Credentialing
5:00PM – 45th President Donald J. Trump Holds a Press Conference
Het zal de eerste persconferentie zijn die ik in volledigheid en met volle aandacht zal zien. En dan de volgende dag op het werk “goh, hebben jullie ook naar de persconferentie gekeken”? En dan hun gezichten bekijken en de reactie.
Remember the story of Moses?

Moses was probably #2 or #3 in all of Egypt. Mr. Egypt if you will. Trained beside Pharaoh's son.

God never has to get your permission or explain why he uses anybody. None above another.

God chose Mr. Egypt to free the slaves from Egypt while sending plagues that made fun of all the fake gods of Baal

So let's fast-forward to today

The Globalist Baal Worshippers have enslaved much of the Earth

God imo sent us a man. A man that knows how to navigate Corporations.
God sent us Mr. Corporation, to free us from the power of, the corporation

He is the chosen one in that respect. That's my opinion since the day Trump won in 2016.

He caught them all.
Only he could have done that, because God did it through him.

God doesn't call the qualified
Only Jesus is qualified

He qualifies the called
His calling is without Repentance

So ...Preach the Word! Be instant!
In Season! Out of Season!!

We are called by God
Asked by Q+
To be in this information war

That's all I need to know
Dat ze zoiets los laten is knap ziek
Als je dat live tegen komt kots je de Amsterdamse grachten vol 🤣🤣🤣 zo ziek
Sorry voor het geval er nog Amsterdammers zijn die normaal denken, maar deze gek kan nergens anders wonen dan daar
JUST IN - Trump cancels January 6th press conference because of "the total bias and dishonesty of the J6 Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media," according to a statement released.

He will discuss what he was going to say at AZ rally instead.

@disclosetvJUST IN - Trump cancels January 6th press conference because of "the total bias and dishonesty of the J6 Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media," according to a statement released.

He will discuss what he was going to say at AZ rally instead.

JUST IN - Trump cancels January 6th press conference because of "the total bias and dishonesty of the J6 Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media," according to a statement released.

He will discuss what he was going to say at AZ rally instead.

@disclosetvJUST IN - Trump cancels January 6th press conference because of "the total bias and dishonesty of the J6 Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media," according to a statement released.

He will discuss what he was going to say at AZ rally instead.

X22 report official, telegram
X22 report official, telegram
Door Paul vertaald:
JANUARY 4, 2022

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

In het licht van de volledige vooringenomenheid en oneerlijkheid van het 6 januari Ongekozen Comité van democraten, twee mislukte republikeinen en de nep nieuws media, moet ik mijn 6 januari persconferentie afgelasten. Ik cancel de donderdag 6 januari persconferentie op Mar-a-Lago en in plaats daarvan zal ik veel van de belangrijke onderwerpen bespreken tijdens mijn rally op zaterdag 15 januari in Arizona – daar zal een grote menigte aanwezig zijn! Wat voor IEDEREEN meer en meer duidelijk is geworden, is dat de ongeloofwaardige nep nieuws media niet het feit zullen vermelden dat Nancy Pelosi en de Capitol Sergeant-at-Arms de verzoeken afwezen om de D.C. National Guard of het leger aanwezig te laten zijn op het capitool. Hun e-mails en correspondentie met het ministerie van defensie bestaan, maar de media willen niet om dat bewijs vragen of de waarheid rapporteren!

Dit is het grote Cover-Up Comité van de democraten en de media is medeplichtig. Waarom vervalste en veranderde Adam “Shifty” Schiff het statement van congreslid Jim Jordan zonder enige consequentie? Waarom wil Crazy Nancy Pelosi haar communicaties met de House Sergeant-at-Arms en de House Chief Administrative Officer niet overhandigen, of beloven dat ze deze van wezenlijk belang zijnde boodschappen zal bewaren, iets waarvan velen geloven dat ze al vernietigd zijn - mogelijk illegaal? Tevens, waarom is de essentiële aanleiding waarvoor de mensen naar Washington DC kwamen - de fraude bij de Presidentiële Verkiezing - niet het hoofdzakelijke onderwerp in het onderzoek van het Ongekozen Comité? Dat was voorwaar werkelijk de Misdaad van de Eeuw.

Ik kijk ernaar uit om onze prominente Amerikaanse patriotten in Arizona te zien tijdens een grote rally om Amerika veilig te stellen!

In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on Saturday, January 15th, in Arizona—It will be a big crowd! What has become more and more obvious to ALL is that the LameStream Media will not report the facts that Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Sergeant-at-Arms denied requests for the D.C. National Guard or Military to be present at the Capitol. Their emails and correspondence with the Department of Defense exist, but the media won’t ask for this evidence, or report the truth!

This is the Democrats’ Great Cover-Up Committee and the Media is complicit. Why did Adam “Shifty” Schiff forge and change the statement of Congressman Jim Jordan without any consequence? Why will Crazy Nancy Pelosi not provide her communications with the House Sergeant-at-Arms and the House Chief Administrative Officer, or promise to retain these vital messages, which many feel she has already destroyed—perhaps illegally? Also, why is the primary reason for the people coming to Washington D.C., which is the fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election, not the primary topic of the Unselect Committee’s investigation? This was, indeed, the Crime of the Century.

I look forward to seeing our Great American patriots in Arizona next weekend for a big rally to Save America!

Voormalige aanhangers van Donald Trump die virulent anti-vax zijn, zijn woedend over de houding van de ex-president en zweren rivalen in de Republikeinse partij te steunen in de race om de verkiezing van de kandidaat van de partij over twee jaar,​


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