Trump 11 Sep, 2022 15:14
HomeWorld News

Trump hints at true significance of Bagram Airfield​

According to the 45th US president, Washington needed the site in Afghanistan to keep an eye on a “Chinese nuclear plant”
Trump hints at true significance of Bagram Airfield

A US Air Force transport plane lands at Bagram Air Base on July 1, 2021, Bagram, Afghanistan © AFP / Wakil Kohsar/AFP

Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan was of great significance to the US because of its proximity to China and one of Beijing’s strategic nuclear facilities, former President Donald Trump has claimed.

In an interview with India’s NDTV news channel on Thursday, Trump lamented that America’s standing in the world has suffered several major blows under his successor in the White House, Joe Biden. He claimed that the current US president has made many mistakes, citing as an example last year’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump described Biden’s handling of the pullout as “incompetent,” as Washington left behind American citizens and equipment worth some '$85 billion'.

According to the ex-president, withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan was the right thing to do, but it was not executed correctly. Trump argued that, had he still been in office at the time, the chaos would not have occurred.
US explains why its weapons will stay in JapanREAD MORE: US explains why its weapons will stay in Japan

He added that Washington “would have kept Bagram, by the way.” Explaining the importance of the airfield, Trump said: “Bagram is one hour away from the Chinese nuclear plant where they make nuclear weapons, right? We should have never given that up.

Bagram Air Base in northeastern Afghanistan was seized by US and British troops soon after Washington and its allies launched their military operation in the country back in 2001. For years, the airfield served as one of the main Western military strongholds in the region. Prisoners were detained in a camp on its grounds.
In August 2021, Bagram fell to Taliban militants after Western-backed Afghan Army troops surrendered and the US contingent left the base.

Speaking to Indian journalists, Trump also claimed that America under Biden had become significantly weaker than ever before “in many ways.
Apart from soaring inflation and “blackouts all over our country,” Washington has also lost its “voice and… respect worldwide,” the former head of state suggested. Trump went on to claim that Russia would not have started its offensive against Ukraine if he were still in office. He also warned that China could soon try to seize Taiwan by force.

New Jersey:
Former US President Donald Trump spoke to NDTV in an exclusive interview, taking on questions about his plans of running again in 2024, his allegations about the 2020 election, his ties with India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Here are the highlights of the interview:​

  • Everyone wants me to run, I'm leading in the polls... I'll make a decision in the very near future. I think that a lot of people are going to be very happy.
  • I've had a great relationship to India and to Prime Minister Modi. I think he's a great guy and doing a terrific job. It's not an easy job he's got.
  • I think India has never had a better friend than me... I think my relationship, you'll have to ask Prime Minister Modi, but I don't think you've never had a better relationship than you had with President Trump.
  • It (Florida raids) was a terrible thing. That's had a big impact on the population.
  • I was in a different location. I wasn't in Florida, and I was called. And when I heard about it, I said 'that's strange'.
  • It's a set up. It's weaponization. And it's inappropriate to do and it's a bad thing for our country. And this is like all of the hoaxes that we've had to go through.
  • We had a terrible election, a terrible, terrible thing happened. It was a rigged election.
  • He's (Joe Biden) done very badly for our country. Our country has never been in a position like this. We're weak in many ways.
  • The economy is horrible, and we've lost our voice and our respect worldwide.
  • I would think I beat him (Joe Biden) easily. I think I beat him last time. I got many millions of more votes last time than I did the first time.
  • Democrats have said that for a long time about different elections. They went out and they said the 2016 election was stolen.
  • I feel strongly about a lot of things. You know what I feel strongly about? Our country, and our country is going to hell. That's what I feel strongly about.
  • What would you have done on Russia-Ukraine? Absolutely nothing because it was understood that you're not going into Ukraine. We wouldn't have had to do anything.
  • Russia invading Ukraine, that would have never happened. Watch what's going to happen with China and Taiwan.
  • President Putin would have never gotten in if I was President. Never. Not even a chance.
  • Ultimately, (Russia-Ukraine) could be a World War 3
  • The Afghanistan withdrawal the way that was done, was so incompetent.
  • The first thing that you would have done is you would have brought the people out, the Americans out, you would have certainly brought our equipment out. We left $85 billion worth of equipment behind. This would have never ever happened.
  • We would have kept Bagram (air base), you know. Bagram is one hour away from the Chinese nuclear plant when they make nuclear weapons. We should have never given that up.
  • Trump 2.0 priority? For America, energy independence. For India, India's doing just fine with your great Prime Minister Modi.
  • Ivanka Trump as 2024 running mate? My daughter? Never thought of that one. I've never even heard but that's an interesting idea. I wouldn't (consider it).
  • Truth Social is doing phenomenally well. I think better than Twitter for me. Twitter's getting killed.
Laatst bewerkt: 15 Sep, 2022 19:30
HomeWorld News

Trump makes prediction on potential indictment​

The former US president said he’s done nothing wrong, but added that charges wouldn’t stop him from running for office again
Trump makes prediction on potential indictment

Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, September 3, 2022 © AP / Mary Altaffer

Former US President Donald Trump said that criminal charges wouldn’t prevent him from running for office in 2024, but would cause “big problems” in the country. Beset by multiple investigations, which he argues are politically motivated, Trump insisted that he broke no laws.

“I can’t imagine being indicted. I’ve done nothing wrong,” Trump told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday. However, should he be slapped with criminal charges, he doesn’t “think the people of the United States would stand for it.”

“I think if it happened, I think you'd have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps, we've never seen before…big problems,”
he added.

Trump is currently facing three grand jury investigations. One District of Columbia probe is examining his alleged mishandling of classified documents in his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, while another federal investigation is looking into his role in the riot on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. Meanwhile, a state probe in Georgia is investigating whether the former president broke the law by pressuring state officials to overturn Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the state in 2020.
Trump drops hint about election plans
Trump drops hint about election plans

The January 6 investigation has seen federal agents seize communications records of Trump’s allies, while the DC probe saw FBI agents stage a raid on Mar-a-Lago in search of secret documents. Trump maintains that he declassified any documents on his property, and that the raid was a “third world” example of “political persecution.”

Should Trump actually be indicted, he said that he “would have no prohibition against running” for office again. While Trump has not formally announced another bid for the presidency in 2024, he is widely believed to be preparing to run, and leads most polls of Republican candidates.

“There is no reason that they can [indict me],” Trump told Hewitt, “other than if they’re just sick and deranged, which is always possible.” 15 Sep, 2022 19:30
HomeWorld News

Trump makes prediction on potential indictment​

The former US president said he’s done nothing wrong, but added that charges wouldn’t stop him from running for office again
Trump makes prediction on potential indictment

Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, September 3, 2022 © AP / Mary Altaffer

Former US President Donald Trump said that criminal charges wouldn’t prevent him from running for office in 2024, but would cause “big problems” in the country. Beset by multiple investigations, which he argues are politically motivated, Trump insisted that he broke no laws.

“I can’t imagine being indicted. I’ve done nothing wrong,” Trump told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday. However, should he be slapped with criminal charges, he doesn’t “think the people of the United States would stand for it.”

“I think if it happened, I think you'd have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps, we've never seen before…big problems,”
he added.

Trump is currently facing three grand jury investigations. One District of Columbia probe is examining his alleged mishandling of classified documents in his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, while another federal investigation is looking into his role in the riot on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. Meanwhile, a state probe in Georgia is investigating whether the former president broke the law by pressuring state officials to overturn Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the state in 2020.
Trump drops hint about election plans
Trump drops hint about election plans
The January 6 investigation has seen federal agents seize communications records of Trump’s allies, while the DC probe saw FBI agents stage a raid on Mar-a-Lago in search of secret documents. Trump maintains that he declassified any documents on his property, and that the raid was a “third world” example of “political persecution.”

Should Trump actually be indicted, he said that he “would have no prohibition against running” for office again. While Trump has not formally announced another bid for the presidency in 2024, he is widely believed to be preparing to run, and leads most polls of Republican candidates.

“There is no reason that they can [indict me],” Trump told Hewitt, “other than if they’re just sick and deranged, which is always possible.”
Bericht door gepost op gedachtenvoer thx
Van Paul Harmans. Zie TG Paul

Ik heb vandaag geen tijd voor vertaalwerk, maar onderstaand is een korte 3 minuten video van het belangrijkste dat X22 volgens mij vandaag vertelde. Niet vertaald, maar best wel goed te volgen. Het gaat over het feit dat het nepnieuws en de Deep State opeens heel veel aandacht aan Q gaan besteden nu Trump onomstotelijk heeft laten zien dat hij van Q weet en weet waar de berichten over gaan. Die gaan NIET over haat zaaien en oproepen tot geweld zoals het nepnieuws ons wil doen geloven. Het gaat WEL over oproepen tot vereniging, het strijden voor vrede en liefde voor je land EN het geeft informatie over wie tot de Deep State behoren en wat zij aan misdaden en corruptie hebben begaan. En dat is waarom dit soort schorem als de dood is dat het volk hier massaal achter komt. Trump stuurt vermoedelijk ook bewust aan op zijn arrestatie, zodra ze dat doen, in hun pogingen om hem de mond te snoeren, kan Trump zijn bewijs op legale wijze tonen en dat bewijs staat in de door hem gedeclassificeerde documenten waarnaar de FBI zo naarstig op zoek was bij de inval in Mar-a-Lago.
Trump vannacht tijdens zijn rally gisteren (1 okt.) in Michigan

“Jullie moeten garanderen dat deze misdadigers en maniakken verslagen worden in de grootste midterm nederlaag die ons land ooit gezien heeft.”
Trump vannacht tijdens zijn rally gisteren (1 okt.) in Michigan

“Wij zijn op een missie om de republiek weer naar grootsheid te herstellen.”
Trump vannacht tijdens zijn rally gisteren (1 okt.) in Michigan

“Ik ben hun nr. 1 doel, maar ik ben er trots op dat ik voor jullie strijd.”
Trump vannacht tijdens zijn rally gisteren (1 okt.) in Michigan

“Ongeacht wat de Linkse tirannen ons trachten aan te doen, we ze met ons doen, we hebben geen keus, we moeten doorgaan, we moeten blijven strijden.”


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