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Reminder: The entire fake news media spent 2 years LYING TO THE PUBLIC about how a 'VERY HIGH RANKING TRUMP ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL had written an op-ed for the NYT's and then a BEST-SELLING BOOK talking about how HE WAS SABOTAGING THE PRESIDENT FROM WITHIN to 'save the country'.
"Anonymous" and his cool book was in INSTANT FAKE NEWS HIT!
And they all said if we KNEW WHO THIS WAS, we would RECOGNIZE THE NAME. He was JUST THAT HIGH UP THERE.
And after 2 years, they FINALLY COUGHED UP WHO IT WAS.
After 2 years of intense teasing and speculation about it being Jared Kushner or Mike Pompeo...they finally told us who the VERY HIGH RANKING TRUMP ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL WAS who'd been proudly working against President Trump from inside his own administration.
It was a low level flunky at DHS that literally NOBODY had ever heard of named MILES TAYLOR.
And they STILL trot this NOBODY out and give him face time on TV to talk about Trump.
Het Hooggerechtshof van de staat oordeelt dat Trump zichzelf heeft gediskwalificeerd met zijn pogingen om de resultaten van de verkiezingen van 2020 ongedaan te maken. Trump kan de beslissing nog aanvechten.
So the group who sued to keep Donald Trump off the ballot in Colorado received over $1.35 million from George Soros organizations and they share employees with Media Matters!
This is foreign interference in our election! Not only should Soros be arrested, the group CREW and Media Matters should be fully investigated and shut down!
How much longer will we allow our elections to be rigged by foreign billionaires who want to destroy America?