
The opinion of the Colorado Supreme Court is shameful and runs completely counter to our constitutional system.

Donald Trump was not removed from office by Congress for engaging in insurrection.

Donald Trump has not been criminally convicted in a court of law of engaging in insurrection.

Whatever you believe about whether Donald Trump engaged in insurrection has no bearing on whether he’s eligible to run for president.

No legislative, executive, or judicial body of a state should engage in extraconstitutional decision-making to disqualify a federal candidate from the ballot.

This isn’t accountability; it’s an assault on due process of law. It undermines our electoral system and threatens every federal candidate for office.

This is Ivanka Trump

She's one of God's chosen people and has full control over Palestine and the filthy animals living there

If she wants a home she is allowed to kick a Palestinian family out and if they refuse to leave they will be shot

Her husband Jared Kushner is one of the main men funding the theft of Palestinian homes

This is Ivanka Trump

She's one of God's chosen people and has full control over Palestine and the filthy animals living there

If she wants a home she is allowed to kick a Palestinian family out and if they refuse to leave they will be shot

Her husband Jared Kushner is one of the main men funding the theft of Palestinian homes


Klopt dat echt van dat fund, of is dat zwartmakerij?
Dr. Jan Halper in de bocht, niet te vertrouwen dat mens.


Het was raar hoe Jan Halper Hayes een paar maanden geleden op het toneel verscheen en al snel in contact kwam met Charles Ward en Derek Johnson, en hielp bij het verspreiden van hun B.S. - Toen kwam ik het detail tegen dat een van haar mentoren op Stanford psycholoog Dr. Carl Rogers was, een man die voor de CIA werkte aan MK-Ultra-programma's.

De details rond deze vrouw, haar beweringen dat ze "deel uitmaakte van een geheime DOD Task Force", en de clickbait die ze duwt, zorgen overal voor rode vlaggen

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