Ah yes.
After 8 years of trying, you've certainly got him now!
Why, when those prosecutors in Georgia get done with him, he'll....uh...wait never mind about that.
Fat Alvin Bragg! Yeah! He'll do it! He's got that NYC trial against Trump starting next month! With his start witness, professional perjurer Michael Cohen, that'll....uh wait...never mind about that.
Well my goodness, we're down to Jack Smith then, aren't we? The chances Smith gets either DC or Palm Beach trial started before Nov. is looking exceedingly slim.
And I'm one of the few people who happens to actually REMEMBER that it was extensively and exhaustingly and aggravatingly gone over in fine detail back during the Mueller Special Counsel that you're NOT ALLOWED TO INDICT A SITTING PRESIDENT.
And this is assuming the SCOTUS doesn't find that Trump did have presidential immunity and also doesn't find that Smith wasn't legally appointed to be a Special Counsel while he was a private citizen.
If SCOTUS rules Trump had immunity, both cases are gone. And if SCOTUS rules Smith was constitutionally appointed to be a federal LEO while he was a private citizen, Smith is gone too. Aw gee.
Then you'd likely tell me Biden's got this, he's gonna win his rematch with Trump quite handily, and I'd just laugh in your face.
Ain't life grand?