I see & hear SO many blaming @realDonaldTrump for the vaccine rollout, and for him “embracing” Dr. Fauci etc. I believe there is a LOT more that went on during that period than many understand…
Some context is important here…Of course, I could be wrong. This is my OPINION based on the research I’ve done, and putting together the pieces on my own.
The plan to unleash a “Pandemic” and bring our world to a halt was already in place from WAY BEFORE Trump was even in the picture. It was decided many, many years ago that the only way to bring America, and ultimately the entire world to heel would be a “deadly pandemic”. A decade before Trump was in office, the work started on this mRNA jab by DoD & DARPA, just for context and it goes back even farther than that…
This is why in 2017, shortly after he was inaugurated Fauci said that there WOULD be an “infectious disease outbreak” that Trump has to deal with during his term. Do you honestly think he would have said that if it wasn’t already set in stone???
Don’t forget, the Event 201 (Bill & Melinda Gates, WEF, John’s Hopkins) “Pandemic exercise” done in Oct 2019 that was a simulated test run of the fictional “Spars pandemic” that was already published by John’s Hopkins in 2017. EVERY piece of this situation was lined out, and even made public. They told us EXACTLY how it was going to play out, even down to the same phrases used for propaganda on social media during that time. That’s because it’s been in the making for YEARS.
Remember, by all accounts Hillary was supposed to be President during this time. They were 99% “SURE” of it. COVID was going to happen even then, the Plandemic HAD to go on to initiate The Great Reset. It was NEVER about a virus in the first place. It was a prime opportunity to unleash this thing during the 2020 election to derail Trump from winning his second term. That’s what needed to happen.
Had Hillary been President, the plan was to FORCEFULLY vaccinate everyone by making it federally MANDATED. This is something that Trump DID NOT DO. He never one time said that anyone HAD to get the vax, but he did have to maintain positive optics surrounding the situation. This includes putting Fauci center stage, in an effort to allow him to bury himself.
President Trump’s Operation Warpspeed, is just that…A way to speed up the already inevitable process of getting a vax out AHEAD of what the Deep State already had planned. This put a giant monkey wrench in the “endgame.” As painful as it was to watch Trump tout the vax for over a year…I understood he was damned if he did, and damned if he didn’t.
Had Trump NOT been President during that time, the plan was to keep us in a perpetual lockdown on and off for 5/7 YEARS. Not only that, but the amount of casualties as a result would be FAR WORSE than it is right now. What we went though as a country was VERY painful the past 3 years, but it was supposed to be infinitely WORSE.
This is the primary reason why Trump often says that Operation Warpspeed “Saved MILLIONS of lives” because, in this sense, it DID. As a result of him “rushing” the production of the vax, AND NOT FORCING people to take it that was what was needed to “open up the country” and end the lockdowns.
Some will say, “why did Trump lock us down to begin with?” because, I believe he was being advised by some people with bad intentions. He also may have faced threats. It’s hard to say for sure, but I know that things didn’t go as planned as a result, and that is something to be VERY grateful for.
My hope is that this brings some clarity, thank you for taking the time to read this. Please let me know your thoughts…
Also, check this out for reference: