
You really think lsraeI wanted their greatest blackmail assets taken out like Epstein, Ghislaine, Weinstein, NXIVM, Nyguard etc?

You think lsraeI wanted Trump to pull troops/cut ClA funding for their war in Syria?

You think lsraeI wanted their fake proxy group lSlS destroyed?

You think they wanted Trump to stop the fema camps in America?

You think they want Trump to oppose central bank digital currency?

You think they want Trump to oppose open borders and a one world government?

You really think they wanted to have strings cut and loose control of lran, North Korea, Russia and China so they could ally against them?

All for a measly embassy in Jerusalem?
If they control out gov then why couldn’t they do that before?

All in exchange for Trump putting on the tiny hat, touching the wall and saying he “stands with them”?

Anyone who knows about the Scofield Bible should know you cannot win elections without appealing to the Christian Zionist majority of American voters.

We’re already seeing the downfall of the Z0G begin, you just have to look past the surface.

The real war is silent.


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