USA 2020

All quiet on the MSM front with regard to 2000 Mules…

No hit pieces, no attacks, nothing. Just radio silence.

Tells you everything you need to know. [They] don’t want ANY attention being brought to the documentary, positive OR negative.

The “no evidence of voter fraud” narrative gets obliterated once this movie gets around.

[Doorgestuurd van 2000MULES]
Reports are coming in that ‘2000 MULES’ is sold out everywhere in the US and it’s difficult for people to get tickets. Twatter suspending the ‘2000 Mules’ account>DS are in major panic because they know from the 7th of May the world will be watching it. It’s making people Question why is Twatter suspending the account,making the masses even more curious to watch it

NOTHING can stop the Tsunami of truth coming out🔥🔥


Vertaling van bovenstaande post:
Er komen berichten binnen dat '2000 MULES' overal in de VS is uitverkocht en het moeilijk is voor mensen om nog kaartjes te krijgen. Twitter schuift het ‘2000 Mules account’ voor zich uit > Deep State is behoorlijk in paniek omdat zij weten dat vanaf 7 mei de wereld ernaar zal kijken. Dit zorgt ervoor dat mensen zich afvragen waarom Twitter het account uitstelt en dat zorgt er weer voor dat de massa nog nieuwsgieriger wordt om ernaar te kijken.

Niets kan de tsunami van waarheid die naar buiten komt stoppen.

Everybody understands ballot box stuffing.

Everybody knows what they are looking at when they see someone with 20 ballots in their hand walk up to a literal ballot box and literally stuff them inside of it.

There's no hiding from this one.

OAN’s Dan Ball opened his show tonight with his thoughts on 2000 Mules after attending the watch party last night at Mar-a-Lago:

“After watching this movie, I will say this. There’s not one doubt in my mind that this election was rigged. Period. Point blank. End of story. The left can kiss my…

What they did to this country is one of the biggest acts of treason in our nation’s history.” 🔥

Trump will air 2000 Mules at his rally tomorrow.


Betekent dit dat als we maar vroeg genoeg de livestream aanzetten wij 2000 Mules ook kunnen bekijken?

OAN’s Dan Ball opened his show tonight with his thoughts on 2000 Mules after attending the watch party last night at Mar-a-Lago:

“After watching this movie, I will say this. There’s not one doubt in my mind that this election was rigged. Period. Point blank. End of story. The left can kiss my…

What they did to this country is one of the biggest acts of treason in our nation’s history.” 🔥
2000 Mules will achieve 3 things, principally:

1. Provide irrefutable forensic evidence that organized crime stole the 2020 election from the People.

2. Wake normies to this reality and definitively win public opinion for Truth.

3. Force the exposure of our hidden enemies.

As any popular Conservative or Conservitive media organization that avoids talking about or reporting on 2000 Mules, or after it's impact proves unavoidable gaslights/diminishes its value is, in fact, an enemy of the People.

Just like those who tell you not to vote.


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