USA 2020

Wow. If you factor in just the Mule ballot traffickers: Trump won with 305 electoral votes. That doesn't even count all the other fraud that occurred or the machines. šŸ‘€
Biden lost in an epic landslide and we all know it.

1,100 mules identified just in Philadelphia alone, with an average of 50 drop box visits per mule, totaling over 50,000 illegal drop box visits identified just in Philadelphia.

Many of these mules appear to have traveled across the border from New Jersey.

Watch as ABC News, CNN, and Fox News all plant the seeds of Joe Bidenā€™s unlikely comeback around 10:30 PM on Election Night, right as the vote counting stopped.

ABC: As they open up mail-in ballots, the ā€œnumbers will changeā€.
CNN: ā€œWeā€™re nowhere close to the finish line in any of those states - Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.ā€
Fox: Thereā€™s ā€œstill a chanceā€ for Biden in PA.


"They used very conservative estimate of just 3 ballots per dropbox visit."

I REALLY like how Dinesh D'Souza's team psychologically played that card there for the citizens. Even though we've seen footage of these democrat mules with boxes FULL of fake ballots for Joe, his team SIGNIFICANTLY lowballed a number that's feasible to every single person, & it shows President Trump still won.

We've seen criminals be convicted & receive LIFE SENTENCES, "FAST TRIALS & DEATH PENALTIES" based on MUCH less evidence than this.

I voted for the guy who sacrificed the money he made to save our country.

Not for the guy who sacrificed our country for the money he made.

The vote count in the 2020 election right before they stopped counting the votes.

Did they fix this election mess yet?
Asking for 81+++ Million friends who plan on shattering the voting record again in 2024, unless President Trump evicts the squatter that's currently occupying the White House beforehand, to once again take his place atop Pride Rock.

Let's cut the shit here. Fake News isn't showing us Biden's current approval rating. They're showing us Biden's ACTUAL vote count BEFORE they stopped counting the votes to hit those massive 4am ballot dumps.

The man behind 2000 mules just put all the politicians on notice, that "they have it all and they are still watching".

Lots of (most?) public officials are political creatures. They just want to be on whatever side is winning, and often aren't very bright people. Currently they see Biden in the White House and just "went along", assuming Trump's stories of election fraud were exaggerated.

When public awareness reaches a tipping point... they will flip hard and try to convince us they were on Trump's side all along. For practical reasons that will be useful during the swing back to sanity... but long-term? Rotate those spineless morons out of office as fast as possible.

True the Vote Is Pulling the Ripcord

In a Q&A following the 2,000 Mules documentary, Gregg Philipā€™s noted that attorneys for Fox News are suppressing coverage of the film. ā€œThereā€™s lawyers and everybody else breathing down our neck. Foxā€™s lawyers are keeping it off Fox.ā€ To fight back, True the Vote has decided to ā€œpull the ripcord.ā€ At the end of the movie, a QR code links to a short video by True the Vote explaining what comes next. ā€œWeā€™re going to publish every single finding that we have. Every single minute of video. Every single conclusion that we haveā€¦ Letā€™s fight!ā€

Where's the Investigation? Bad Actors in Just 3 Key States Is Enough to Sway an Election [2000 MULES]

Atlanta, GA - 242 Mules, 24 drop boxes each

Phoenix, AZ - 200+ Mules

Milwaukee, WI - 100 Mules, 28 drop box visits each

Michigan - 500+ Mules

Philadelphia, PA - 1,100+ Mules, nearly 50 drop box visits each

Full Documentary:

Mule count by location

Atlanta ā€” 242 (avg: 24 drop boxes & 8 organizations visited during 2-week period)

Phoenix ā€” 200+

Milwaukee ā€” 100

Michigan ā€” 500+ (some visited more than 100 drop boxes in Detroit)

Philadelphia ā€” 1100+ (highest rate: 50 drop boxes each)

Laatst bewerkt:
After watching 2000 Mules, I am asking every constitutional sheriff across the country to investigate the data pertaining to your county. If Mules operated in your county, you need to bring to Justice everyone that violated the sanctity of our 2020 presidential elections. No more excuses.

Dinesh is right. For those on TruthSocial or twitter we need to demand that sheriffs find these mules, arrest them and determine who they work for (nonprofits, individuals, etc.,) and any politician running for office, you are the perfect plaintiff to sue for a fair election process. If I were running, I would sue either election county commissioners or, if at the state or federal levels, the stateā€™s Secretary of State. We The People need to get behind those willing to sue. This level of fraud and criminal behavior cannot stand. I donā€™t expect anymore 2K pound bombs to drop. If we go into the general election without changes, we may be done.

Okay, now Iā€™m ready to talk about ā€œ2000 Mulesā€. At first I was skeptical and disinterested because I didnā€™t like the idea of a paywall. Im firm in the belief that if you have information that is beneficial to society, you disperse it for free so as many people as possible see it, and donā€™t hide behind a paywall. Which is exactly why all of my content is free and will always be free.

With that being said, Dinesh and his team did a phenomenal job, had a lot of production value, presented it visually in a clear and digestible manner, and then released the ability to watch for free. However, the overall effect of this rollout method and advertising campaign, resulted in more buzz, popularity, and overall eyes on. So I canā€™t fault them for this method because itā€™s still free for the public and now itā€™s the talk of the town. Even amongst the centrist crowd.

Now, the actual movie itself, CONFIRMS UNDOUBTEDLY that there was a National coordinated effort, in liberal
cities, to harvest, traffic, and illegally abuse the mail in ballots. At a rate that certainly could and did alter the outcome of the election. This is incontrovertible.

The mere fact that there were organizations scattered in liberal cities in swing states, and were slowly distributing ballots, over the course of months, via mules they paid per ballot, CONFIRMS that a higher entity was facilitating this entire scheme. It CONFIRMS that there were coordinated efforts to subvert and distort the outcome of the election.

Keep in mind that citizens had piece this together, while our government agencies spent their time and our money trying to cover this up. Instead using their technology and assets to track and hunt down parents who have questions about their childrenā€™s school curriculum.

How does this proof get presented in court? Can we overturn the election? Will anything come of this?

I have no idea. But what we as the citizen intelligence apparatus can do, is win the court of public opinion. By making sure every single American sees this data. Make sure that we command and dominate the airwaves. Our mission is arguably more important than the actual legal aspect. The court of public opinion is more powerful than the law.

If the election were to be overturned and the public donā€™t know why, it would be mass chaos and high civilian casualties. But if we can make it so the public themselves are demanding an investigation, and the majority of the public see that the evidence of fraud is incontrovertible, then the rollout of such information would be far more plausible and likely to succeed.

In conclusion, 2000 Mules confirms:

-fraud occurred in mass quantities
-it was coordinated from a national entity with intent to subvert the election
-we can prove it

Now itā€™s your job to truly know all the details. Get your verbiage, facts, and data down to a point, and truly know the subject matter here. Because your centrist and normie friends are going to ask you about this, and before you start speaking about it, itā€™s your duty to make sure you do the homework so you come off as intelligent and educated on the subject matter.


Now that weā€™ve all seen 2000 Mules from the ground level, letā€™s look at it from 40,000 feet. Letā€™s discuss how this piece fits into the overall puzzle, and how it is directly associated with C19 and Putin attacking the 30+ US biolabs in Ukraine.

What made this method of voter fraud possible? MAIL-IN VOTING. As a result of media generated fear over C19. We all remember the Dems foaming at the mouth over Trumpā€™s pushback on mail-in voting. The only way their plan works, is if the Dems were able to abuse emergency powers to install mail-in voting, in the event of an emergency. So what did they do to ensure they won the election? The created an emergency.

As we all saw in my thread on the FOIA emails, the worldā€™s top virologists, biologists and immunologists concluded that C19 was created in a lab. A lab that was run by the US NIH. And all of this was covered up by left-wing political bureaucrats Fauci and Collins.

So a leftist run agency in the US Government was circumventing congressional oversight to modify pathogens in foreign countries. One of these pathogens ā€œgot outā€, which enabled the democrats to abuse emergency powers to implement mass mail-in voting, which allowed for them to subvert elections with the methods outlined in 2000 Mules.

Now does it make sense as to why Biden/Obama/DNC, using Hunter Biden as a proxy, via Rosemont Seneca, funneled US DoD money to Hunter Bidenā€™s bio company Metabiota and other Biolabs in Ukraine? The DNC and globalists are all directly involved in biological gain of function research on pathogens. And the result of one getting out just so happened to benefit the DNC and Globalists on all fronts. And they just so happen to have a nationwide network of ballot harvesting and trafficking mules at the ready, in liberal cities, in key swing states. And the plan solely relies on mass mail-in voting in order to carry out.

Now does it make sense as to why Putin is attacking US biological facilities near his border? And why China, Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico and Gabon all voted at the UN Security Council, that the US biological network needs to be investigatedā€¦

This is why the media and the Dems are so worried about Ukraine. This is why the fact checkers and the left-wing media machine are still denying the existence of US labs in Ukraine at all. This is why the Dems wanted to send US troops to Ukraine to defend these labs. Because their bio capabilities are what allows them to retain power over the People. Stealing elections, implementing a police state, force vaccinating, censorship of political dissent under the guise of public health. C19 gave them the power to do whatever they wanted.

Did the DNC have another ā€œvariantā€ planned for release before the midterms so they could do it again? Did Putin know about it? Is that one of the reasons Russia targeted and attacked our Biolabs? Is that why Victoria Nuland and the rest of the DNC are terrified of their ā€œresearchā€ falling into Russiaā€™s hands?

Soon, they will start pushing for mass mail in voting again for the midterms. Watch. Itā€™s their only way.

The Timeline:
-Hunter Biden funnels US DoD money to foreign biological facilities to modify pathogens
-A modified pathogen ā€œescapesā€ a lab in a foreign country, which results in a global shutdown
-This ā€œpandemicā€ results in the emergency implementation of mail-in voting by the DNC
-Mail-in voting opens the door for the DNC to utilize the methods outlined in 2000 Mules to commit mass voter fraud in swing states.
-Joe Biden ā€œwinsā€ election

The DNC created a biological weapon to win an election.



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