USA 2020

In de x22 report worden alle vragen die je nog hebt beantwoord

Hier dat bewuste fragment:

ā€œ2000 Mulesā€

People have been asking me how my analyses align with what is shown in the 2000 Miles documentary.

Actually, the stuffing shown is precisely the sort of thing Iā€™ve been describing since December of 2020, but people have difficulty understanding it at first. Dennis Pragerā€™s confusion in the piece illustrates this point.

What you first need to understand is that every ballot received needs to be assigned to a person who is listed the voter rolls.

The voter rolls are online, often in real time, and they are available to multiple entities, including the cheaters.

If there arenā€™t enough voters listed in the rolls to obtain a desired outcome, then cheaters can add more. Thatā€™s why the voter rolls are so inflated in *every* state. It gives cheaters a larger credit line to work with.

The electronic pollbooks tell you who has voted, who has ordered mail-in ballots, and who has not returned one. Often in real time.

If insufficient mail-in ballots have been ordered, then the cheaters can order more.

If the cheaters canā€™t harvest enough mail-in ballots, then the cheaters can print more.

The machines tell you what the current tallies are, often in real time. Also, they sometimes manipulate the tallies and decide which voter a ballot is assigned to.

The key to all this is access to information. Electronic, real-time information. Thatā€™s why the cheaters like centrally-controlled, electronic election systems.

Then you just need a relatively few people to do the legwork, because computer algorithms can handle all of the accounting.

Recounts do not expose ballot stuffing fraud, because ballots are anonymous. What matters is if the voter a particular ballot is assigned to actually completed that particular ballot.

ā€œItā€™s not how many times you count the cash in the register, itā€™s how many of the bills are counterfeit.ā€

The solution is simple: Vote Amish. All paper, no machines. A single day, photo ID, hand-counting. Transparency.

I like to say, ā€œYou could pay someone to raise your children, but things turn out far better if you do it yourself.ā€

Itā€™s the same with our electionsā€¦ weā€™ve been paying other people to run them for far too long. The systems have become so complicated that the people running them donā€™t understand them, and have no chance of securing them.

If we want our elections to have integrity, we need to run them with our own two hands.

Iā€™m pleased that the documentary was released, because it provides more evidence confirming the mathematics and canvassing evidence I and my colleagues have been presenting for some time, and continues to raise awareness that the 2020 General Election was stolen from the American people.

And itā€™s not the first time.


Yeah because watching ballot mules, on video, illegally stuffing multiple ballots into drop boxes is sooooo unconvincing šŸ¤”

These clowns just hope people will never watch the documentary. All the more reason to SPREAD THE WORD about 2000 Mules!

2,000 Mules Inspires Its Own Rap Song

Forgiato Blow just created a 2,000 Mules rap video. You donā€™t have to like rap to appreciate its impact. This is how evidence of the 2020 steal is disseminated into popular culture. The outrage over election fraud should be universal.


De gevestigde media, de politici en de feitencheckers hebben zich in het zweet gewerkt om de film/docu 2000 Mules in diskrediet te brengen en zij kwamen oa. met de bewering dat wat je de mules ziet doen, een stapel stembiljetten in de dropbox gooien, gewoon iemand is die de stembiljetten van zijn familie afleverde, dus niets aan de hand. Wat de film echter laat zien en wat de feitencheckers je natuurlijk niet laten weten, is dat er door de onderzoekers heel goed is gekeken wie er wel of niet als mule aangemerkt kon worden. Mensen die op camera meerdere stembiljetten in 1 dropbox gooiden en daarna bij geen enkele dropbox meer in de buurt kwamen werden niet als mule aangemerkt. Mensen die echter een tiental malen per dag meerdere stembiljetten (meer dan 5) in een tiental verschillende dropboxen gooiden en al die keren ook een enkel en bepaald pand aandeden om zeer, zeer aannemelijk de stembiljetten op te halen die ze telkens bij de dropboxen afgooiden, en om hun vergoeding daarvoor op te strijken, en datzelfde patroon een aantal dagen achterelkaar herhaalden, soms in andere counties van de staat en soms zelfs een paar dagen naar een andere staat gingen en daar hetzelfde patroon volgden, die werden aangemerkt als mules.

In onderstaand interview hoor je de onderzoekers van True the Vote (hun onderzoek wordt in 2000 Mules getoond) exact uitleggen hoe secuur zij te werk gingen en dat er beslist mules waren die zij niet meenamen in hun verdere onderzoek omdat die niet helemaal voldeden aan hun strenge eisen, maar er waren beslist veel meer mules (koeriers) dan nu worden genoemd. Ook praten zij over de venijnige tegenwerking die zij ondervonden nadat zij in eerste instantie hun onderzoeksresultaten bij de FBI en politici hadden afgeleverd en nog in de veronderstelling waren dat die er wat mee zouden doen omdat het hier gaat om een misdaad, de meest uitgebreide stemfraude ooit, iets dat door de wet wordt aangemerkt als een staatsgreep!

Dit is zeer belangrijke en interessante achtergrondinformatie bij de docu/film 2000 Mules:

I have identified at least 74 *MAJOR* mule rings based on the findings from 2000 Mules, corroborated with the national map of "excess votes" I released last summer.

My definitions are based on continuous counties, generally flowing from a "red" county or counties, that make up at least 20,000 excess Biden votes.

I have given each a name, listed on the left hand margin. I will be compiling a SubStack with much more detailed findings.

ULTRA MAGA = zelf nadenken.

Though I dearly love and trust President Trump in nearly all thingsā€¦ on the PA Senate race, and speaking for myself, I must invoke the privilege of ā€œpeoples choiceā€.

We choose those we would have to represent us, and none of Ozā€™s friends, on either side of hellā€™s gates, could make me endorse Dr Oz.

Do what is right, trust God to sort out the consequences.

We love Trump because he reflects our values, not the other way around.

There are moments when he leads with vision, and weā€™re proud to support him, and his strategies.

There are also moments when the people choose, and itā€™s his duty to support that choice, IMO.

Here is an example of the ground swell brewing across this country due to 2000 Mules. This is in WI, where the Special Council has demanded decertification. This is more people than traitor Biden can fill in a room combined with all the books his corrupt wife sold opening week. The DNC, media, and traitors in government overthrew my vote, government, and Constitution. Treason does not play well in the end.

With Fox News not mentioning 2000 Mules should wake more Fox normies. The days of sitting back and having the news tell you what's going on is over.

For those that still rely on Newspapers, Television Networks or anything related need to get off their ass and do their own research for news.

We will never get news BOOMS from them ever. The BOOMS will come from individuals researching for the real news.


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