USA 2020

54,000 geospatial cell tracked ballot trafficking mules.

4 million minutes of corroborating state provided video footage.

Historic forensic audits of vote machines, algorithms, and ballots.

100's of witness affidavits.

Dozens of whistleblowers.

One call to decertify the largest election theft operation in US history.

They used many different methods, and each of those methods yielded a block of manipulated votes.

And even with ALL of that combined they still needed extra emergency ballots at 4am, for which they had to shut down the counting to make it work.

More than one of the scams they pulled has been exposed. IMO they won't be able to repeat what they did again.

And now, with just six months to go, the public is finding out about the ballot harvesting.

Something tells me even more is coming.

D'Souza Responds to Fact-Check of 2,000 Mules: ‘Paying to Deliver Ballots Is Illegal in Every State’

In an article published Wednesday, Politifact stated, “A documentary by Dinesh D’Souza, a far-right commentator, furthers the myth that something sinister occurred with mail ballots during the 2020 election. D’Souza told Fox News that ‘mules’ delivered 400,000 illegal votes. Experts say the evidence D’Souza points to is inherently flawed.”

“D’Souza’s argument ignores that in many states, it is legal to drop off a ballot on behalf of another voter, which is especially helpful for voters with disabilities or the elderly. Critics of this practice call it ‘ballot harvesting,’ while election administrators typically use other terms such as ‘ballot collection,'” the fact-checker reported.

D’Souza responded Friday, tweeting, “Paying mules to deliver ballots is illegal in every state. In Georgia you can give your ballot to a family member or caregiver to drop off. The mules are not family members or caregivers. Politifact is lying to cover up coordinated fraud by its own side in the 2020 election.”

In a second tweet on Sunday, the filmmaker added, “If, as the ‘fact checkers’ suggest, these might be people dropping off the votes of family members, why do we see mules going to 20, 50 and even 100 dropboxes, typically in the middle of the night? Isn’t it time the Left cuts the b*llsh*t and faces up to the fraud? @AP @PolitiFact”

No sauce on this, but I really wonder if the ballot mule orgs were infiltrated. Be a real shame (for them) if some people recorded everything.

Pointless speculation, but let's see what happens.

Trump told us all months early they were going to do this... so did operators move on that information? 🤷‍♂️👀

For those of you who cannot seem to find the good in anything, and refuse to see how 2000 Mules is highly impactful, this is for you. Think about this entire situation from the perspective of the mules.

The mules are SURELY going to catch wind of this documentary. Given their felonies are being broadcast for the world to see, they are probably terrified.

Think about how the majority of them will be hesitant to do this again. The people who carried out these deeds were mostly poor people who needed to make money. They aren’t political activists. They just wanted cash.

Now they know that they are being watched and tracked. A significant majority of the network of mules just got depleted.

Sure there will still be a few crazy blue haired psychopaths willing to risk going to jail for countless felonies, but the majority aren’t going to do this again, knowing they are under the spotlight and their entire plan known to the public. The ability for the Dems to traffic ballots just got hindered significantly.

So for all of those crying “boo hoo, none of this matters until someone’s arrested!”, not only are you incredibly annoying, you’re also just flat out wrong.

The US MIL knows all this went down. But any sized element in the US MIL doesn’t engage in any skirmish of any size, without a significant advantage and near certainty of victory.
Public acceptance comes first. Arrests come afterwards. It’s that simple.

EDIT: I see people still being pessimistic trying to nullify the impact of this. Let me address all of your weak arguments.

1: “The mules just won’t bring phones next time so they can’t get tracked!”

-You expect these people to navigate to 100+ drop boxes in a night in highly congested liberal cities without GPS? You think they are using a paper map? 99% of people today couldn’t use a map if their lives depended on it. Also, they have to take pictures of their drops to get credit to get their money. Are they going to use a Polaroid or disposable camera?

2: “They will find replacements and Soros has unlimited money! We are doomed!”

-You fail to realize that it’s not just the Mules that are now under surveillance and the spotlight, the organizational locations that are supplying the ballots, their locations are known. Their entire network and scheme is exposed. They have to change the entire way they operate because their last method is known.

3: “They will just use burner phones!”

-And the burner phones also are able to be tracked, still show the path of the ballot boxes and organizational buildings they are picking up the ballots from. And the organizational buildings are the real target anyways. We don’t care about locking up the individual mules, we want the organization and the higher ups orchestrating the entire operation.


For those of you who cannot seem to find the good in anything, and refuse to see how 2000 Mules is highly impactful, this is for you. Think about this entire situation from the perspective of the mules.

The mules are SURELY going to catch wind of this documentary. Given their felonies are being broadcast for the world to see, they are probably terrified.

Think about how the majority of them will be hesitant to do this again. The people who carried out these deeds were mostly poor people who needed to make money. They aren’t political activists. They just wanted cash.

Now they know that they are being watched and tracked. A significant majority of the network of mules just got depleted.

Sure there will still be a few crazy blue haired psychopaths willing to risk going to jail for countless felonies, but the majority aren’t going to do this again, knowing they are under the spotlight and their entire plan known to the public. The ability for the Dems to traffic ballots just got hindered significantly.

So for all of those crying “boo hoo, none of this matters until someone’s arrested!”, not only are you incredibly annoying, you’re also just flat out wrong.

The US MIL knows all this went down. But any sized element in the US MIL doesn’t engage in any skirmish of any size, without a significant advantage and near certainty of victory.
Public acceptance comes first. Arrests come afterwards. It’s that simple.

EDIT: I see people still being pessimistic trying to nullify the impact of this. Let me address all of your weak arguments.

1: “The mules just won’t bring phones next time so they can’t get tracked!”

-You expect these people to navigate to 100+ drop boxes in a night in highly congested liberal cities without GPS? You think they are using a paper map? 99% of people today couldn’t use a map if their lives depended on it. Also, they have to take pictures of their drops to get credit to get their money. Are they going to use a Polaroid or disposable camera?

2: “They will find replacements and Soros has unlimited money! We are doomed!”

-You fail to realize that it’s not just the Mules that are now under surveillance and the spotlight, the organizational locations that are supplying the ballots, their locations are known. Their entire network and scheme is exposed. They have to change the entire way they operate because their last method is known.

3: “They will just use burner phones!”

-And the burner phones also are able to be tracked, still show the path of the ballot boxes and organizational buildings they are picking up the ballots from. And the organizational buildings are the real target anyways. We don’t care about locking up the individual mules, we want the organization and the higher ups orchestrating the entire operation.


Voor diegenen onder jullie die nergens het goede in kunnen vinden, en weigeren in te zien dat 2000 Mules een grote impact heeft, is dit iets voor jullie. Denk aan deze hele situatie vanuit het perspectief van de muilezels.

De ezels zullen zeker lucht krijgen van deze documentaire. Gezien hun misdaden worden uitgezonden voor de wereld te zien, zijn ze waarschijnlijk doodsbang.

Bedenk hoe de meerderheid van hen zal aarzelen om dit opnieuw te doen. De mensen die deze daden hebben gepleegd waren meestal arme mensen die geld moesten verdienen. Het zijn geen politieke activisten. Ze wilden gewoon geld.

Nu weten ze dat ze in de gaten worden gehouden en worden gevolgd. Een groot deel van het netwerk van muilezels is net uitgeput.

Natuurlijk zullen er nog steeds een paar gekke blauwharige psychopaten zijn die bereid zijn om de gevangenis in te gaan voor ontelbare misdrijven, maar de meerderheid zal dit niet meer doen, wetende dat ze in de schijnwerpers staan en dat hun hele plan bekend is bij het publiek. De mogelijkheid voor de Dems om stembiljetten te verhandelen werd net aanzienlijk belemmerd.

Dus voor al diegenen die roepen "boehoe, dit doet er allemaal niet toe totdat er iemand gearresteerd is!", jullie zijn niet alleen ongelooflijk irritant, jullie hebben het ook gewoon helemaal mis.

De US MIL weet dat dit allemaal gebeurd is. Maar een groot deel van het US MIL doet niet mee aan een schermutseling van enige omvang, zonder een aanzienlijk voordeel en bijna zekerheid van overwinning.
Publieke acceptatie komt eerst. Arrestaties komen daarna. Zo simpel is het.

EDIT: Ik zie dat mensen nog steeds pessimistisch zijn en proberen de impact hiervan teniet te doen. Laat me ingaan op al je zwakke argumenten.

1: "De muilezels nemen de volgende keer gewoon geen telefoon mee zodat ze niet getraceerd kunnen worden!"

-Je verwacht dat deze mensen in een nacht naar 100+ dropboxen navigeren in zeer dichtbevolkte liberale steden zonder GPS? Denk je dat ze een papieren kaart gebruiken? 99% van de mensen vandaag de dag zou geen kaart kunnen gebruiken als hun leven ervan afhing. Ook moeten ze foto's nemen van hun leveringen om krediet te krijgen voor hun geld. Gaan ze een Polaroid of wegwerp camera gebruiken?

2: "Ze zullen vervangers vinden en Soros heeft onbeperkt geld! We zijn verdoemd!"

-Je realiseert je niet dat het niet alleen de Mules zijn die nu onder toezicht en in de schijnwerpers staan, de organisatorische locaties die de stembiljetten leveren, hun locaties zijn bekend. Hun hele netwerk en schema is blootgesteld. Ze moeten hun hele werkwijze veranderen omdat hun laatste methode bekend is.

3: "Ze zullen gewoon telefooncellen gebruiken!"

-En de brander telefoons kunnen ook getraceerd worden, ze laten nog steeds het pad zien van de stembussen en de organisatorische gebouwen waar ze de stembiljetten oppikken. En de organisatorische gebouwen zijn toch het echte doelwit. We willen de organisatie en de hogere personen die de hele operatie orkestreren.

Er zijn toch wel serieuze problemen met deze film. Het allerbelangrijkste bewijs wordt namelijk niet getoond : eenzelfde persoon bij meerdere dropboxen, terwijl ze zeggen dat ze wel de beelden hebben.
Hier een eerlijke, goede review van de film waar dit probleem wordt benoemd.

Laatst bewerkt:
Er zijn toch wel serieuze problemen met deze film. Het allerbelangrijkste bewijs wordt namelijk niet getoond : eenzelfde persoon bij meerdere dropboxen, terwijl ze zeggen dat ze wel de beelden hebben.
Hier een eerlijke review van de film waar dit probleem wordt aangeduid.

ik noem het BULLSHIT wat hij allemaal zegt, snel doorgespoeld en overal even gekeken, zonde van mijn tijd

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