Verenigde Staten van Amerika

[In reply to Jordan Sather]
There are also fake maps of Maui’s average rainfall totals circulating… Someone purposely doctored the map to reverse the highest rainfall areas and lowest rainfall areas to make it look like the fires are in the wettest areas of Maui (they are actually in some of the driest areas of Maui). Easy to debunk, but people are just eating it up. Sigh.

[In reply to Ram Basu]
Correct, the higher elevations are wet and the lower close to the coast are very dry.

[In reply to Bill Patriot]
Yep, it’s the whole windward and leeward thing. The prevailing winds typically come from the west in that area, so the west side of Maui is the dry side. The mountains provide shelter to form the leeward areas, mostly on the eastern slopes of the mountains down toward the eastern coastlines.
Jordan Sather heeft veel vraagtekens bij de DEW's:

I love how people are questioning the trees not burnt to ashes. Wet growing wood does not burn, it just chars. FFS it is ocean side & the moisture in the air helps those trees stay nourished. People really are stupid

Arson? Sure, possible. Or an idiot flicking a burnt cigarette out of his car.

But all these people instantly going to "Directed Energy Weapons!" and using horseshit evidence as "proof" of these claims are just as bad as the mainstream fake news media. They're just "alternative" fake news media doing no due diligence or actual research

Gotta get them clicks for fame and $$$

Twitter is a cesspool of conspiracy B.S. these days

Love these accounts with "well placed sources"


For example: is it possible DEWs were used in these Maui fires? Maybe.

But what's probable? The most likely probability is arson, lightning, bad transformer, or a dumbass with an errant match or cigarette.

The issue herein involved internet influencers jumping to conclusions and assuming proof based on inconclusive and/or faked data, which happens all the time.
Ik ga in zoverre met JS mee dat er veel snel gedeeld wordt zonder dat er vooraf onderzoek gedaan wordt naar de juistheid van de berichten. We moeten hem dankbaar zijn voor zijn waakzaamheid, want dankzij hem worden charlatans als Charlie Ward, Stew Peters, Phil Godlewski, Simon Parks e.v.a. genadeloos ontmaskerd en aangepakt. Maar het lijkt alsof hij zijn unieke rol in onze beweging af en toe iets te serieus neemt en meteen uitgaat van de onjuistheid van schijnbaar ongeloofwaardige berichten. Er is echt iets aan de hand met die DEW's. Waarom.legt hij zich niet toe op het onderscheiden van feiten en fictie?.Nu doet hij het voorkomen dat iedere verwijzing naar DEW's bij voorbaat al.niet deugt.


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