Verenigde Staten van Amerika

The first bill that Congress passed under our new speaker includes $14 billion for the security of another country, but not a dime for the security of our own border.

It’s disgraceful. I’ve spoken to veterans who are rationing their food right now and parents with two jobs, who are choosing between putting gas in their cars and food on the table.

62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and have no savings.

There are so many young people coming out of college, who can’t afford to purchase their first homes. They can’t pursue the American dream, because the political class wants to pursue their interests overseas.

As per Thomas Massie, the bill also contains an open-ended promise of military support, which is so broad that it could be interpreted to commit US soldiers to the conflict.

See, they’re trying to slip that in there and he’s sounding the alarm on this, all as AIPAC tries to viciously smear him as an antisemite for doing exactly that and for refusing to vote for this nonsense.

This is America now, a country full of cowards who are willing to sacrifice the future of their children and their grandchildren because they’re afraid of being called racists and antisemites.


De Trump-loyalisten spelen een spelletje in het Huis van Afgevaardigden. Om Israel bijna 15 miljard dollar te kunnen geven moet er gesneden worden in het budget van de IRS (belastingdienst). Het wordt of het een, of het ander. Als er geen kamermeerderheid is voor dit wetsvoorstel gaat er geen geld naar beide bestemmingen. Kan nog interessant worden!


Step 1: Democrats allocate more of our money to the IRS.

Step 2: Republicans come up with a bill that will allocate somewhat less of our money to the IRS—but only because they want to send that money to Israel instead.

Step 3: Republicans pretend that they’re doing us a favor.

Step 4: Voters clap like a bunch of trained seals.

They do this every time. Both parties work in tandem to create problems and then one party pretends that they’re saving us from a problem that they helped create.

Lucas Gage nadat de politie bij hem voor de deur stond.

The truly nefarious part about them, is that they know I have PTSD. They are hoping I go nuts, lose my cool, and resist arrest or something, causing me to get killed.

They also know my wife is startled; she doesn't like this and is concerned for our children.

These intimidation tactics are to put pressure and stress on my marriage; to get my wife to talk me out of all my activism; perhaps even leave me when things get really ugly.

But she knows I am willing to drop everyone to continue. She already saw me try to get out, literally changing my name and walking away, but here I am again. IT IS MY NATURE TO FIGHT THEM. And she knows I will let her divorce me if necessary.



Because I understand the kind of demonic force we are up against. If they win, we will lose everything we love, anyway.

But what happened to me today, isn't unique and has happened to many others before me. And of course, this is NOTHING compared to what they are doing in Gaza right now.

The thing is, if we let them they take complete control over our nation, all of America will become Gaza.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Lucas Gage nadat de politie bij hem voor de deur stond.

The truly nefarious part about them, is that they know I have PTSD. They are hoping I go nuts, lose my cool, and resist arrest or something, causing me to get killed.

They also know my wife is startled; she doesn't like this and is concerned for our children.

These intimidation tactics are to put pressure and stress on my marriage; to get my wife to talk me out of all my activism; perhaps even leave me when things get really ugly.

But she knows I am willing to drop everyone to continue. She already saw me try to get out, literally changing my name and walking away, but here I am again. IT IS MY NATURE TO FIGHT THEM. And she knows I will let her divorce me if necessary.



Because I understand the kind of demonic force we are up against. If they win, we will lose everything we love, anyway.

But what happened to me today, isn't unique and has happened to many others before me. And of course, this is NOTHING compared to what they are doing in Gaza right now.

The thing is, if we let them they take complete control over our nation, all of America will become Gaza.


  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv

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