Verenigde Staten van Amerika

The many layers of Mossad & their honey pots.

The whole system is compromised, The United States of Israel🇮🇱🇺🇸

He’s right too, the right-wings totally did a 180, where are the brain cells? You went from “wE nEeD tHe LiST!” & “pRoTeCt tHe cHiLDRen.” Went straight from that to “I’ll give Israel my bank account.” You’re not even in the same book, or on the same page, not even close, completely psyopped & it’s hilarious to watch 😂😂🤡

25 Facts AIPAC Does Not Want You To Know!

1. AIPAC has been caught using foreign funds to influence U.S. elections, thus undermining American democracy.

2. AIPAC consistently lobbies for U.S. military aid to Israel, diverting resources away from domestic issues such as healthcare and education.

3. AIPAC pushes for one-sided policies favoring Israel, leading to increased tension and conflict in the Middle East.

4. Many prominent members of Congress receive substantial campaign donations from pro-Israel PACs linked to AIPAC.

5. AIPAC supports Israeli settlement expansion in Palestinian territories, contravening international law.

6. AIPAC advocates for aggressive sanctions against countries critical of Israel, stifling diplomatic dialogue.

7. Despite claims of representing American interests, AIPAC primarily serves the political goals of the Israeli government.

8. AIPAC successfully pressured President Obama to veto UN resolutions condemning Israeli settlement activity, demonstrating its power over U.S. policy decisions.

9. Prominent politicians accused of sexual misconduct have received financial backing from AIPAC-linked organizations.

10. Several high-profile individuals associated with AIPAC have faced criminal charges related to espionage and illicit fundraising practices.

11. Leaked documents reveal close collaboration between AIPAC and the Mossad (Israeli intelligence service), raising questions about their influence on U.S. national security decision-making.

12. An FBI investigation revealed that AIPAC had routinely engaged in spying on US citizens and institutions, including stealing classified documents from the Pentagon.

13. Critics argue that AIPAC functions more like a foreign agent than a domestic lobbying group, operating outside the bounds of transparency and accountability expected of American organizations.

14. AIPAC frequently hosts events featuring speakers known for promoting Islamophobia and anti-Arab sentiment. Fact #15: Studies show that public opinion regarding Israel lagsbehind elite consensus due largely to AIPAC's efforts to shape media coverage.

15. AIPAC plays a significant role in maintaining America’s unconditional commitment to defend Israel militarily regardless of changing geopolitical circumstances.

16. AIPAC has blocked attempts to hold hearings on human rights abuses committed by the Israeli military in Gaza and the West Bank.

17. AIPAC opposes any attempt to condition U.S. aid to Israel based on respect for human rights standards.

18. Despite widespread recognition of Israel's possession of nuclear weapons, AIPAC ensures that this topic remains off-limits within mainstream discourse.

19. AIPAC has used smear tactics against critics of Israeli policy, labeling them as 'anti-Semites,' even when they express legitimate concerns about human rights abuses.

20. By focusing solely on Israel, AIPAC ignores pressing issues facing many other nations in the region, contributing to instability across the Middle East.

21. AIPAC supports laws that punish those who boycott Israel economically, threatening Americans' right to freedom of speech and association.

22. AIPAC exerts pressure on university campuses through its affiliate organization, which seeks to suppress criticism of Israel and intimidate students who dare to dissent.

23. Documentaries and books exposing the influence of AIPAC on U.S. politics are often censored or marginalized by mainstream media outlets.

24. Polls indicate that younger generations of Americans increasingly view Israel negatively due to growing awareness of AIPAC's influence over U.S. policy.


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