Travis McMichael, William Bryan, and Gregory McMichael were alerted that the guy who kept breaking into homes in their neighborhood was likely spotted.
They then saw Ahmaud Arbery (who fit the description they were given) running down the street… and tried to cut him off with their car while one of them (Travis) was holding a shotgun. They had no intention to do anything other than detain him and wait for police to arrive.
Some say Ahmaud was just an “innocent jogger”, but if you watch the videos of his past altercations with police you can see him acting extremely unusual/aggressive. That is not an exaggeration. Go watch the videos and see for yourself! It may not be possible to prove it, but based on that, the fact he tried to fight instead of talk, and a lot of other evidence (enough to fill an entire other post), he very probably was in-fact there to rob homes.
What happens next after they try to cut him off with the car is where things get crazy! Ahmaud charged full speed at Travis and grabbed the shotgun. Both men began struggling franticly to try to rip the shotgun into their possession. I fully believe if Ahmaud had won that fight he would have shot Travis dead. Instead, Travis ended up winning and shot Ahmaud as the intense struggle continued.
The men then waited for police to arrive thinking that after their story was told they would be free to go… Instead, ALL 3 (Yes, including the man just standing in the bed of the truck and even then man simply driving behind them) were CHARGED WITH HATE CRIMES and THROWN IN PRISON FOR LIFE by a judge named Timothy Walmsley in Savannah, Georgia.
They even videotaped the entire thing, and turned the footage over to police, thinking it would prove they were innocent. Instead, that video went viral and the woke mob threatened to burn cities if the men didn't get life… due solely to their races.
I agree that they should not have chased him with a gun unless they knew for sure he was the robber (which they didn't), but it is insanity to rip 3 men from their families for life who were just trying to protect their neighborhood, especially the 2 who didn't even have a gun. LIFE? REALLY? No criminal record but now too dangerous for society? Worse punishment than rapists and gang members?
(Sidenote: William got 35 years, but considering his age, that is basically a life sentence)
"There is simply not sufficient evidence in the record to suggest Bryan would have acted any differently on the day in question had Arbery been white, Hispanic, Asian or other," an attorney for one of the men wrote.