Verenigde Staten van Amerika

I'm seeing a bit of a pattern. Tunnels exposed and destroyed in Gaza as well.

Could this be part of why we were told [saving Israel for last] ?

Is it a coincidence that these illegal tunnels were also exposed here?

How were they really found? All at the same time as Epstein DECLAS?

Things are starting to add up.

BREAKING!🚨 A MASSIVE commotion has erupted in New York City upon the discovery of UNDERGROUND TUNNELS under the Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters. 😳😳😳

As if 2024 can’t get any CRAZIER…

According to reports, a cement truck was attempting to fill the tunnels, which prompted this chaotic response.

The tunnels were reportedly made by Yeshiva men during COVID after they were locked out of 770. Local info suggests that the tunnels are recently made, within the last 6 months, and in an effort to expand the HQ.

770 is the address, in Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

Ten or so arrests have been made by the NYPD as a result of this incident.

Only God knows what those tunnels were used for.

I’ll leave that open for discussion…What do you think they would be using these tunnels for???

"Investigative journalist" @LauraLoomer hasn't done one tweet on the tunnels.

News page @visegrad24 hasn't done one tweet on the tunnels.

The grifter @OliLondonTV hasn't done one tweet on the tunnels.

WEF bot @DrEliDavid hasn't done one tweet on the tunnels.

Miss Libs of TikTok @ChayaRaichik10 hasn't done one tweet on the tunnels.

I'm sure there's a lot more, these are just the ones I noticed.

Very interesting to say the least.

I'm calling out double standards.

Laura Loomer had no problem stopping her "campaigning for Trump" to lie about a Jihadi attack at the Canadian border and that an Iranian passport was found on the scene, even though it was just a car accident.

She also spent DAYS lying about a "Hamas international day of Jihad."

She also got angry at Joe Biden for condemning the stabbing of a 6-year-old kid in Illinois because to Laura, he was a Palestinian and a Muslim, so in her mind he didn't deserve any sympathy.

And she only the deleted the tweet because myself, @jakeshieldsajj and her own followers called her out for it.

But she won't cover an actual situation involving secret underground tunnels in New York?

Chaya has "paused her work exposing pervs in our schools" to talk about Hamas' tunnels in a land far far away,

But she won't cover underground tunnels that were found in the country she lives in?

All I'm saying is that all the accounts mentioned were quick to cover a whole lot of other stories, but have been radio silent on this one.

Personally, I find it odd.

1. "They don't cover a lot of stories" is just a lie.

There have been stories fractionally the size of this one and they've covered it.

2. I'm not "demanding other journalists do work" that I'm capable of.

I'm simply pointing out the fact that the accounts mentioned will cover EVERYTHING else, but have been silent on this.

Could you image Laura's tweets if it was a tunnel network under a mosque?

Or Eli's tweets?

Or Oli's?

Again, i'm just pointing out a double standard in their coverage of the tunnel story (0 coverage) compared to others.

3. It's not a moronic approach stating that other journalists haven't tweeted about a topic.

And it shouldn't be brushed off as anti-semitic because I would think if a tunnel network was found under any other religious building, it would be hot topic as well.

It’s now almost certain the tunnels found at the Chabad synagogue in Brooklyn were designed for child sex tracking.

This footage released shows the Jewish synagogue had dystopian tunnels made with stained mattresses that have been sent for forensic analysis.

Items such as baby high chairs and clothing have also been taken by forensics.

A group of extremist students were blamed for the child abduction tunnels and attempted to bury the tunnels with cement before forensics could begin their investigations.

Advocates for child sex abuse say Israel has become a “refuge for pedophiles” and many Jewish-Americans hide from justice in Israel…🇮🇱

If there was an underground tunnel with high chairs and stained mattresses under a Catholic Church, you can bet that it would be totally acceptable to spout conspiracy theories and demonize all Catholics.

The news would be associating the tunnel with child sex trafficking. If it was a mosque, they’d be associating it with terrorism. You know this and I know this.

However, you can’t even repeat verbatim what went down at the Chabad Lubavitch Headquarters without being referred to as an antisemite.

Remember, the people who built that tunnel are the victims here and anyone who so much as questions this is an evil antisemite.


1. Daily Mail calls into question the narrative the tunnels were to expand the synagogue. Cites "no evidence"

2. Crown Heights records that the tunnels were dug 6 months ago, revealing they weren't used for travel during COVID

3. There is a legal dispute over who even owns the building, which is bizarre because it's difficult to place responsibly on anyone. DOES NOBODY OWN THE BUILDING?

I'm not saying I know the tunnels were used for anything nefarious. However, watching big names in media spread false info AGAIN to score points with their employers & colleagues without fact checking reminds me of October 7th, 9/11, COVID etc

All the lies that were told, people mad at me for questioning the narratives, but I was correct each and every time. Need to "dig" deeper into this because the further I'm going the more suspicious this gets. Crazy details here. Should I do a deep dive minisode on this?


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