Verenigde Staten van Amerika

A take on what is going on in the world from an Afghanistan/Iraq Veteran:

I served two total years in a combat environment; at the young age of 22 I was naive to the world. I thought that I was serving a greater purpose. I had that “all-American” spirit that all I wanted to do was serve my country and eliminate the enemy.

At that time, I was oblivious to the money-making warmonger filth that is currently infiltrating Washington D.C.

Idiots like Lindsey Graham, Nikki Haley and John Cornyn should be stripped of their titles as Representatives of the United States of America. These self-serving tyrants are what our forefathers have warned us about.

I do not support ANY war in the Middle East. Whether it be Iran, Jordan or any other country out there.

Those that are cheering on war, have never been to it. This is clear. These types of assholes are the first ones to cower when confronted.

Imagine being shot at.
Imagine being blown up.
Imagine shooting innocents.
Imagine hear your battle buddies dying.

This is the ugly truth and reality of war.

The only reason there are so many politicians that are engaging in conflicts rather using diplomacy is because they are taxing the American people and are making money hand over fist on Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and other military contractors.

All of this, with the fact that there are homeless Veterans still on the streets. Illegals are getting medical treatment at the Veterans Affairs while veterans are forced to use telemedicine appointments. Politicians cannot even make sure our Veterans are taken care of whenever we return back from the WARS THEY CREATED.

And then we have recent events with the Afghanistan drawdown where Marines were brutally targeted because of the lack of leadership.

By the way, where is Secretary Lloyd Austin? Is he AWOL again? The lack of military leadership in this country is astounding and barely anyone is calling for the accountability of senior officials.

Want to thank Veterans for our service? Demand accountability and be the American that is worth serving.

If you took the time to read this, thank you.

God Bless America.


RE: Social Media & the marketplace of ideas

I like talking about the First Amendment because it's super important - especially right now.

Not unlike businesses competing in a free market where consumers are free to determine what products and services they prefer, free speech represents the "marketplace of ideas".

Those ideas, thoughts, and musings posted online, no different than in real life, are either approved of (and therefore consumed/shared/enjoined with) or rejected based solely on what any one person chooses as their criteria.

This concept represents very intimate decisions that everyone gets to make every day - FOR THEMSELVES.

And if other people happen to prefer speech (or people) you dislike, so what?

Last I checked that's none of your damn business.

SOURCE: US Constitution

After allowing 17 grazillion illegal aliens to invade our country the Dems want a border deal.

Of course, their "deal" is unacceptable by the standard of patriots who actually want to defend our border....but that's not the point.

The point is to then try and blame the GOP for blocking their shit deal and therefore responsible for them letting 17 grazillion illegals invade our country.

See how that works?

Here’s an idea:

How about we bring our soldiers home and let the rest of the world who seem hellbent on war, and sucking our coffers dry to do it, figure it out for themselves

We won’t be able to help anyone if our nation falls and it seems we have more important issues at home to worry about

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Waarderingen: Surv
Here’s an idea:

How about we bring our soldiers home and let the rest of the world who seem hellbent on war, and sucking our coffers dry to do it, figure it out for themselves

We won’t be able to help anyone if our nation falls and it seems we have more important issues at home to worry about


Precies ! Geweer in de handen drukken en enkele reis naar het front 😁

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