Verenigde Staten van Amerika

⚠️ Major FF Warning…

There is a video of a man circulating online named Justin Mohn in PA, claiming to have beheaded his father Mike Mohn… he even shows the head. Don’t post it. Don’t watch it.

This man claims he is he is the “Commander of National Network of Militias” aka “Mohns Militia” and he’s calling for the the assaination of Federal Employees.


This is VERY SUSPICIOUS timing as Congress is trying to push Senate Bill 3589 - the anti-militia bill…

The video first appeared on YouTube and is still up after several Hours of being flagged.

They WANT the video out…. Don’t help them.

Too many Americans bitch & moan about the country and yet don't do anything about it. They complain from the couch. Here's why that doesn't work.

Right now it is quite plausible that your govt will start a massive war in your name and with your tax $$. If that war goes the way they want, they're then going to draft your kids. And you're going to freak out. But you didn't do shit all this time to stop the direction in which the govt and its "Pentagonopoly" have been taking this country.

Wake the hell up!

The Israeli stranglehold on the US government through its lobby, AIPAC

The 535 treasonous cowards of congress have completely betrayed the public trust through their undying loyalty to Israel in signing a sworn oath of allegiance to the same.

Listen to what my friend and fellow whistleblower former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney @cynthiamckinney had to say about it:

Throw those politicians who hold dual US/Israeli citizenship out of office.

Force AIPAC, the pro Israel lobby, to register as a foreign agent in the United States as it is the only country in the world not required to do so.

Blow the Epstein corruption out of the water! Release the list of all names.

Kindly repost...thanks!

🇺🇸🇮🇱 Son Of Israeli Diplomat Deliberately Ran Over A Miami Cop And May Get Off Scott-Free

Nineteen-year-old Avraham Gil, the son of an Israeli diplomat, is accused of intentionally driving his motorcycle into a Miami cop.

The lieutenant, during a traffic stop on Collins Avenue in Miami, spotted Gil weaving through traffic and shouted for the teen to stop.

Gil ignored his command and reportedly continued to ride and "intentionally run him over."

The officer sustained an injury to his left leg, but still managed to grab Gil off his bike and brought him to the ground.

Gil was charged with 2 felonies:

- Aggravated Battery

- Resisting An Officer With Violence

Gil's reason for weaving through vehicles was that he "hates waiting behind traffic."

Gil's father, Eli Gil, is the consul for administration at the Israeli Consulate in Miami.

Due to Gil's father being an Israeli diplomat, his lawyers argue that Miami-Dade law doesn't apply to him and he shouldn't be punished for what he's being accused of.

A hearing is scheduled for February 26.


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