Let’s step back and put things in perspective a bit.
Intelligence agencies colluded with social media platforms, and the corporate press, to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, the Tara Reade sexual assault story, and they silenced ordinary citizens who spoke about it.
They did all of this to install the current administration, and they succeeded.
This was absolutely election interference, and more closely resembles a coup.
Three years later, it’s very clear this senile man is in rapid cognitive decline, and he isn’t in charge of anything.
Several wars have been started, the borders are wide open, our country is being invaded, our economy is in shambles, experimental injections were forced on the public, our judicial system has been weaponized, and political prisoners have been taken.
All of this is being done, not by our president, but by shadowy figures who seem to be accountable to no one.
This all sounds completely insane, like a conspiracy theory, the thing is, it’s all happening.