Verenigde Staten van Amerika

There are 35,574 homeless veterans in the United States, according to the VA. If America were to provide each of them with a median priced home at $387,600, it would cost less than $14 billion dollars.

For context, my state is in the process of building a 116 mile light rail system at more than a billion dollars per mile, while our federal government is bickering over how many hundreds of billions of dollars to allocate towards funding foreign wars we aren't even fighting in.

The government does not care about Americans. We need to forget the idea of a government by the people, for the people. It does not exist. The purpose of power is to acquire more power. We are the richest nation in history, and all of our problems begin and end with an inept government which serves only itself. They will never fix the problems of the commoners, as those problems are forever bargaining chips to be dangled in front of our faces, in exchange for giving more power to the corrupt few.

And no, we can't just buy every homeless vet a house and make their problems go away. But we can sure as hell do a lot more. We choose not to.


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