Verenigde Staten van Amerika

Interessante connectie tussen Rabbi Shmuley, Samantha Powers en Michael Jackson. Ik heb het gevoel dat we spoedig te weten zullen komen wie MJ hebben vermoord en waarom. Als hij al dood is.

Maybe the biggest Christian Zionist tool in the U.S. is former VP @Mike_Pence. He was given a tour of occupied Hebron by US-born Zionist settler @YishaiFleisher – the same fanatic who openly called for churches to be destroyed and Christians ethnically cleansed.

Zionism is anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, anti-Muslim and anti-human.

According to Sam Harris, it's not essential to know why Hamas hates Israel or why so many Palestinians support them

They don't want you deeply trying to understand Hamas because as soon you do, your view on Israel flips

Remember this is a guy who said he would support Biden over Trump even if he killed little kids and wanted the FBI to hide hunters laptop

My first confrontation with a bunch of crazed Zionists calling me an antisemite, was when I mentioned the Jewish mafia.

This was back in 2017 and I didn’t understand why it was a “hateful” thing to say at the time, since it’s a simple statement of fact.

I have Italian heritage and I never get offended when people mention the Italian mafia, which they do quite often because there are so many movies and television shows about it.

No one will say that you’re anti-Italian if you talk about the Italian mafia or stereotype all Italians as mobsters — but you can’t even say that the Jewish mafia exists without being called an antisemite.

This experience was very eye-opening for me and it’s when I really started to question everything I thought I knew. I then started to wonder why we spent so little time learning about Holodomor or the Armenian genocide in school, yet we spent six weeks studying the diary of Anne Frank.

Now here we are, with Republican governors passing unconstitutional hate speech legislation and people accusing you of being an antisemite if you say that Christ is King.

If you told me that this would happen back in 2017, I’d have called you an alarmist. Now when I tell people that these hate speech laws will eventually outlaw Bible verses, people say the same thing about me.


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