Verenigde Staten van Amerika


"The first thing I want to say this morning is that the United States stands with Israel.

And what we're witnessing today is Joe Biden bending over backwards to pander to the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party.

This is where we've gone from peace through strength to war through weakness because of the white House.

They are weak on all of these issues."

She didn’t even cost AIPAC that much.

"The idea that Americans would pull a 9/11 on their fellow Americans and kill over 3,000 of them is a reprehensible idea. No one could do that to their fellow countrymen."

What if the Bush & other big political families aren't really 'Americans'? What if the 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 are not really their 'fellow countrymen'? What if these dynastic families have a higher, different loyalty than to the United States?

What have I been telling you?

These infiltrators have been here, moving amongst us, for a very long time.

They do not see themselves as our countrymen. They view us as being beneath them, sheep to be sheered, cattle to be exploited.

This evil system doesn't just butcher Americans for its own ends. It butchers Israelis, Palestinians, Ukrainians, Russians, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis, Nigerians, etc.

They play no favorites.

Anybody not in their Big Club is fair game. No matter their nationality, religion or class.

If you still think the 8 years of Obama was the worst with that gay fellow and his trans wife being installed in the White House, an actual anti-American 'Renegade', then you STILL HAVEN'T fully embraced the HORROR of the Bush family, where members of that 'American' dynasty were elected to the Presidency TWICE.

4 years of HW and then 8 years of W.

No, Obama was far from the worst.

The Bush 'American' dynasty had Conservative Inc. draping them in the US flag and doing a rah rah rah cheerleader act for 12 years of the Bush madness.

And then Trump derailed Jeb!'s attempt to make it 3 times.

John Bolton wants Israel to escalate the tension in the Middle East by air striking Iran's Nuclear sites.
There has never been a war that Bolton doesn't want to escalate. He salivates at the thought of missiles dropping, bombs exploding and bloodshed.
"Israel's response should not be proportionate. This is the opportunity to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons program."


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