Verenigde Staten van Amerika

They are putting on quite the show.

Byron Donalds appears to be down for the nomination.
His track record seems to be far superior to McCarthy.

It's a good thing this happened cause I was getting a little bored. Now let's bring out some aliens to keep it unpredictable.
2023 has started off spicy. 🍿

Poetin schijnt een Young Global Leader te zijn.
Of te zijn geweest? Of hij heeft ooit het spel meegespeeld om makkelijker op de gewenste positie van president te komen en heeft zich daarna van het WEF bevrijd.
Ik geloof er niet in dat hij op dit moment voor het WEF werkt.
Idem dito, maar stond/staat er dus wel tussen.
I am more than confident that Trump has a PLAN in throwing all of his support behind McCarthy. I don’t think for one second that is a “random” occurrence.

I believe that plan is to put SO much pressure on him that he ends up siding with Democrats for votes, therefore EXPOSING him to the American people while he is front & center. Trump is making him DESTROY himself, in a vicious public display of humiliation.

It’s a lot like what he did with Fauci.

Art Of War.

Playbook known.

The talking heads are LOSING their minds— how DARE these MAGA candidates choose transparency & public debate over sneaky deals behind closed doors?!?

HANNITY, TREY GOWDY, BRETT BAIR & even MARK LEVIN (who I love, btw) are literally screaming at us: “THINK LIKE I TELL YOU TO THINK!” 😆
Sorry guys….#SheepNoMore.

But you know who WAS rational & supportive ? TUCKER CARLSON.

KEVIN MCCARTHY, the RINOS, DEMS & MSM are FINALLY learning how it feels to know you have the most votes, and still LOSE.
Not much fun, is it? 😏


These votes in the House have already exposed something very alarming!

Up to 95.4% of the House of Representatives could be corrupted.

Out of 435 voting members only 20 have stepped off the plantation, and are holding up the "business as usual" process.

[They] don't know what to do next as this is unprecedented.

I see a big mistake coming up, and some live irrefutable exposure.

Trump says very good things are happening behind the scenes right now for the Republican Party.

Smart negotiations between the sides are ongoing.

He seems to be saying this "event" [note he uses quotes] will end up making the Republican Party even stronger and cause more unity than before this House drama started.

This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the RINOS are saying.

Rove & Hannity & their ilk are SHRIEKING NONSTOP this House vote drama is an UMITIGATED DISASTER & CATASTROPHE.


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