We have a massive problem America, that problem is Israel

. They buy our politicians, they buy our media and they have our sons and daughters fighting their wars in the Middle East.
Now, I know how it reads, I know how it sounds. I'm not tone deaf to what you think. Many of you think it's flat out antisemitism. I can even understand how it may seem that way.
But as a American, a born and raised right here in the heart of Texas by the grace of God, Southern to my bones.
I can't stress enough the troubles we have been through and will go through soon if we do not free ourselves of this parasite in the Middle East.
I know, I used to go to the same churches, I used to hear the pastors, I used to watch the movies and belive the message about Israel being chosen by God, our greatest ally etc. I used to say those exact things belive it or not.
But then I was deployed, I saw what we did, I witnessed it all and I saw with my own eyes our so called "enemy."
This is all for Israel, no threat to America exists, not even a little.
We have been fighting for these people for decades, thousands of Americans lost, ruined and forever changed for them and not a single bit was for us.
I know you want to dismiss me, to wave me away as some disillusioned veteran who sounds like a Democrat or woke college kid. But I'm not, I'm you and I'm telling you, we are incredibly compromised by a foreign country and until we remedy this we will never be free.