Hopelijk wordt dat snel onderzocht en opgelost. Ze moeten al het geweld op de zelfde manier veroordelen om weer rust te brengen.
Let me explain the UK Ziop

1 Zionist zero in on a fraction of the illegal migrants the Muslims because that's their enemy

2 They take a real problem of illegal immigration and attach it to a religion. Nevermind that the US has the same migration problem only it's with Catholics from Mexico and Central America. This is bc religion has nothing to do with it.

3 Police management class are Zog so, the enforcement is lobsidedly against native Britains while nearly ignoring crimes by Muslims.

This allows a small lot of Muslims to become repeat offenders and cast the entire category in a bad light. US cities like San Fran do this with Black people.

4 As a result, patriots get arrested and the docile remain. Zom gets both groups to focus on each other and not the guys shaking the jar.

5 The border issue is not resolved and the majority of the public are afraid to voice an opinion about it for fear of being depersoned by being labeled a racist/bigot.

6 Britain is destroyed, Christians and Muslims fight each other, the public cannot concern itself with Israel's genocide when their own stores are burning and being looted.

7 Tommy Robinson relaxes at the pool, mission complete

Het eerste. Ze laten her uit de hand lopen om internetcensuur in te kunnen voeren, want 'online hate speech'.


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