If someone claims Islamophobia doesn’t exist, they are effectively promoting the Zionist agenda. Likely undercover agents.
It is well-documented by many academics, including @Tracking_Power, that Zionists were behind the Islamophobia industry in the West to demonize Muslims and justify wars in the Middle East.
Additionally, it’s hypocritical for someone to argue against using the term Islamophobia, which has been academically validated, while using terms such as anti-whiteness.
At least I am consistent in allowing all terms Islamophobia, anti-whiteness, antisemitism and then examining the veracity of those claims.
So, why did attacks on mosques happen except that Islamophobes falsely claimed the stabber was a Muslim? Why did they lie and say it was a Muslim instead of a Jewish person or a white person? Yet, they want you to believe Islamophobia isn’t real.
These arguments only work on uneducated people on social media.