
We've had some strange weather lately, a very mild winter that is unseasonably warm. There's been a lot of low hanging clouds as well, they almost look like smoke. It may be fog but it doesn't really look like fog? (We live up north, about 15 miles from Canada.)

Three days ago my entire household started coming down with a pretty severe flu type illness, with me being the final person to get it last night. We live out in the sticks with little interaction with large groups of people.

In less than 8 hours I went from feeling just fine to having a very sore throat, heavy congestion, runny nose, heavy coughing with large phlegm production, body aches, headaches, fever (101-102), chills, and intense fatigue. We took our compliment of vitamins and minerals that we used during COVID-19 and went to sleep for about 8 - 10 hours.

Once the fever broke I started feeling better. It's been 24 hours now and I'm coming out of it, but it was no fun. It's just strange how fast it came on, and our phlegm has a VERY metallic taste to it.

The older folks in my home, 87 and 65, struggled quite a bit more but are on the mend. They're rounding the 48 and 72 hour marks, respectively. The vaporizer with Vicks liquid has been very helpful for them.

Anybody else having similar issues? We're using echinacea, vitamin D3, Quercitin, Zinc, vitamin C and a fever reducer. We haven't cracked open the ivermectin yet, I don't think we'll need it.

I'm just shocked at the veracity and speed of this illness.


In regards to the “fog”, I found this document from “The Air Force 2025” Report that was published in 1999.

The site has been removed from the internet but I found it on The WayBack Machine.

It discusses tiny nanoparticals that can be delivered through fog making them undetected.

There are both defensive and offensive reasons why the military/government would disperse fog on purpose. Now we just need to figure out why they’re dispersing it now.

Link to document: https://web.archive.org/web/1997042...l/au/2025/volume3/chap15/v3c15-4.htm#v3c15--4

Schermafbeelding 2025-01-01 142548.png

Die kaarsrechte buienstreep van 500 of 600 km lang ziet er niet zo heel natuurlijk uit.
Op 1 januari reed ik in de auto van Alicante (Spanje) naar Nederland. In het Zuid-Franse Nîmes was het lucht helemaal blauw, geen mist of bewolking te zien. 20 km verderop ter hoogte van Avignon begon de "mist" en dat ging tot aan Nederland niet meer weg.
Gisteren reed ik op de fiets een uur door soms dikke "mist". Normaal is dan alles aan de voorkant nat door de waterdruppels. Gisteren was het allemaal droog. Het lijkt niet op echte mist.

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