
Ik vind het raar warm laatste dagen en morgen wordt het in het zuidoosten zelfs 26 graden. De lucht is dagenlang onnatuurlijk (HAARP/chentrails) ook nu weer toch strepen in de lucht terwijl de dag strakblauw begon. Het chemtrail goedje wat er inzit hebben nu niet als doel afkoeling maar opwarmen heb ik het idee. Het zegt mij dat ze de ‘opwarming’ vd aarde leugen in stand willen houden richting verkiezingen.
Ik vind het raar warm laatste dagen en morgen wordt het in het zuidoosten zelfs 26 graden. De lucht is dagenlang onnatuurlijk (HAARP/chentrails) ook nu weer toch strepen in de lucht terwijl de dag strakblauw begon. Het chemtrail goedje wat er inzit hebben nu niet als doel afkoeling maar opwarmen heb ik het idee. Het zegt mij dat ze de ‘opwarming’ vd aarde leugen in stand willen houden richting verkiezingen.
Lijkt mij ook heel waarschijnlijk.
Vanochtend in omgeving Apeldoorn een compleet strepenkunstwerk.
Het is duidelijk een staaltje pushen van meer klimaatnonsens.

Scheelt wel stookkosten en qua temperatuur vind ik het prima !
Soms zelfs een stukje blauw als de chemtrails even weggeblazen worden door de wind.
Lijkt mij ook heel waarschijnlijk.
Vanochtend in omgeving Apeldoorn een compleet strepenkunstwerk.
Het is duidelijk een staaltje pushen van meer klimaatnonsens.

Scheelt wel stookkosten en qua temperatuur vind ik het prima !
Soms zelfs een stukje blauw als de chemtrails even weggeblazen worden door de wind.
Ja klopt ik vind het ook wel heerlijk weer. Net een tijdje in de volle zon gezeten. Mijn aardbeienplantjes en vijgenboom zijn er ook blij mee😉 Als het van nature was geweest prima maar helaas door al die strepen weet je gewoon: dit hoort niet.
  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Weather Modification Patents

Ze zijn al zo lang bezig…

Overzicht van alle patenten van weermodificatie


1891 – US462795A – method of producing rain-fall

1914 – US1103490A – rain maker (balloon images)
1917 – US1225521A – protection from poisonous gas in warfare

1920 – US1338343A – process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists

1924 – US1512783A – composition for dispelling fogs

1927 – US1619183A – process of producing smoke clouds from moving aircraft

1928 – US1665267A – process of producting artificial fogs

1932 – US1892132A – atomizing attachment for airplane engine exhausts

1933 – US1928963A – electrical system and method (for spraying chemtrails)

1934 – US1957075A – airplane spray equipment

1936 – US2045865A – skywriting apparatus

1936 – US2052626A – method of dispelling fog (mit)

1937 – US2068987A – process of dissipating fog

1939 – US2160900A – method for vapor clearing

1941 – US2232728A – method and composition for dispelling vapors

1941 – US2257360A – desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive

1946 – US2395827A – airplane spray unit (us. dept. of agriculture)

1946 – US2409201A – smoke-producing mixture

1949 – US2476171A – smoke screen generator

1949 – US2480967A – aerial discharge device

1950 – US2527230A – method of crystal formation and precipitation

1951 – US2550324A – process for controlling weather

1951 – US2570867A – method of crystal formation and precipitation (general electric)

1952 – US2582678A – material disseminating apparatus for airplanes

1952 – US2591988A – production of tio2 pigments (dupont)

1952 – US2614083A – metal chloride screening smoke mixture

1953 – US2633455A – smoke generator

1954 – US2688069A – steam generator

1955 – US2721495A – method and apparatus for detecting minute crystal forming particles suspended in a gaseous atmosphere (general electric)

1956 – US2730402A – controllable dispersal device

1957 – US2801322A – decomposition chamber for monopropellant fuel

1958 – US2835530A – process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog

1959 – US2881335A – generation of electrical fields (haarp – for re-charging clouds!)

1959 – US2903188A – control of tropical cyclone formation

1959 – US2908442A – method for dispersing natural atmospheric fogs and clouds

1960 – US2962450A – fog dispelling composition (see references)

1960 – US2963975A – cloud seeding carbon dioxide bullet

1961 – US2986360A – aerial insecticide dusting device

1962 – US3044911A – propellant system

1962 – US3056556A – method of artificially influencing the weather

1964 – US3120459A – composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts

1964 – US3126155A – silver iodide cloud seeding generator (main commercial ingredient)

1964 – US3127107A – generation of ice-nucleating crystals

1964 – US3131131A – electrostatic mixing in microbial conversions

1965 – US3174150A – self-focusing antenna system (haarp)

1966 – US3257801A – pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminum additive and binder

1966 – US3234357A – electrically heated smoke producing device

1966 – US3274035A – metallic composition for production of hydroscopic smoke

1967 – US3300721A – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp)

1967 – US3313487A – cloud seeding apparatus

1967 – US3338476A – heating device for use with aerosol containers

1968 – US3410489A – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump

1969 – US3429507A – rainmaker

1969 – US3430533A – aircraft dispensor pod having self-sealing ejection tubes

1969 – US3432208A – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force)

1969 – US3437502A – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminum (dupont)

1969 – US3441214A – method and apparatus for seeding clouds

2001 -US20030085296A1 - Hurricane and tornado control device

Of Weather Control Or Modification Patents

Ha ha we krijgen de komende dagen storm Isha in NL 🤡 ze zijn hier vanaf de middag al in de weer met chemtrails in de lucht en HAARP. De lucht is nu wazig en smerig;

Laatst bewerkt:
  • Haha
Waarderingen: Surv
Everyone This Is So Important, PLEASE Take The Time To Listen To Or Read This Post

American Electrician Drops Extremely Important Facts About What’s Being Put Into Our Atmosphere ☣️

“I was just out back with my dogs and I grabbed a handful of this stuff and I was going to let it melt on my hands just like this. Okay. One there's a big ice film on here. So I held it and I threw it down and what was left, I wanted to see if it was just going to melt and it did. I was about to throw it down and do this but then I smelled it. I'm an electrician.

Whenever burning wire is in a wall or there's an arc, there's a smell that happens instantly. It's called ozone. You know that smell very well as an electrician. You walk in a house, you smell ozone. You know there's a fire. There's an electrical fire somewhere. So I'm trained to smell that smell. And I've never smelled it in snow.

Now I'm Gen X and as a boy, 70s and 80s, after the rain you know you would smell an ozone smell and uh it was kind of natural you know it's a little bit just a little bit of ozone uh for just a few minutes but i've never ever ever smelled it in snow so i went and looked it up and uh i want to know the effects of ozone when 48 states all have snow at one time and it's coated in ozone what could that mean

Well, when I looked it up, when I looked it up, what it said was that ozone has an effect on humans of irritation to the lungs, coughing, bronchitis, emphysema, all these things can be aggravated. And I know they're about to roll out disease X. They're about to say that everybody's got all these lung issues and all this.

So, I started looking at what would cause snow to have this level of ozone to still be trapped in here like this. And ozone, oh so this is the thing, snow forms at around 50,000 feet. And your rain is usually 30,000 feet and lower. And I've always known that even when I was young. And then that changed in the late 90s.

They were talking about the clouds were at 50,000 feet it was raining outside that's unnatural it doesn't make any sense and that's when you know i started to realize it was weather modification stuff going on but anyway the point is i started looking into it uh online and said that uh high levels of ozone would come from uh man-made things pollution this and that you know so so they've put something up there in the sky they put something up there to cause all this snow. And we, if you're on this channel, if you're on this page, you already know, or you should, that they're doing, they're manipulating everything.

But what they've done is they have sent something down here to us. And we're all out here, it's all about to melt, and we're all gonna breathe it at one time. And it was online, it was saying that massive doses of ozone all at one time are extremely detrimental.

They're gonna cause a lot of lung issues, a lot of wheezing, a lot of chest irritation. So, be prepared, watch out for it. Because I was looking around, I mean, it's like 34 here right now. And this isn't melting the way snow usually melts. Like there's a little bit of water right there. But normally, I mean, you know, you've got rivers running down the side of my street and you don't.

It's like, it's like it's just evaporating. I've never seen snow melt in this fashion before. Like, my driveway's dry. Like, look at this. See the wet line? There's a wet line and a dry line. And it shouldn't be that way, you know? All this snow should be running together. But it's just right on the edge of the snow. And even down at the end of the snow. If all this snow's melting.

That's bone dry. That's bone dry right there. That makes no sense, because the water should be coming down. So, there's weird things happening.

It doesn't make sense when you look at it at first, but when you start putting all the pieces together, this is uh, this is the beginning of what they're trying to do. They've sent this down here on us.”

  • Wow
Waarderingen: Surv
Everyone This Is So Important, PLEASE Take The Time To Listen To Or Read This Post

American Electrician Drops Extremely Important Facts About What’s Being Put Into Our Atmosphere ☣️

“I was just out back with my dogs and I grabbed a handful of this stuff and I was going to let it melt on my hands just like this. Okay. One there's a big ice film on here. So I held it and I threw it down and what was left, I wanted to see if it was just going to melt and it did. I was about to throw it down and do this but then I smelled it. I'm an electrician.

Whenever burning wire is in a wall or there's an arc, there's a smell that happens instantly. It's called ozone. You know that smell very well as an electrician. You walk in a house, you smell ozone. You know there's a fire. There's an electrical fire somewhere. So I'm trained to smell that smell. And I've never smelled it in snow.

Now I'm Gen X and as a boy, 70s and 80s, after the rain you know you would smell an ozone smell and uh it was kind of natural you know it's a little bit just a little bit of ozone uh for just a few minutes but i've never ever ever smelled it in snow so i went and looked it up and uh i want to know the effects of ozone when 48 states all have snow at one time and it's coated in ozone what could that mean

Well, when I looked it up, when I looked it up, what it said was that ozone has an effect on humans of irritation to the lungs, coughing, bronchitis, emphysema, all these things can be aggravated. And I know they're about to roll out disease X. They're about to say that everybody's got all these lung issues and all this.

So, I started looking at what would cause snow to have this level of ozone to still be trapped in here like this. And ozone, oh so this is the thing, snow forms at around 50,000 feet. And your rain is usually 30,000 feet and lower. And I've always known that even when I was young. And then that changed in the late 90s.

They were talking about the clouds were at 50,000 feet it was raining outside that's unnatural it doesn't make any sense and that's when you know i started to realize it was weather modification stuff going on but anyway the point is i started looking into it uh online and said that uh high levels of ozone would come from uh man-made things pollution this and that you know so so they've put something up there in the sky they put something up there to cause all this snow. And we, if you're on this channel, if you're on this page, you already know, or you should, that they're doing, they're manipulating everything.

But what they've done is they have sent something down here to us. And we're all out here, it's all about to melt, and we're all gonna breathe it at one time. And it was online, it was saying that massive doses of ozone all at one time are extremely detrimental.

They're gonna cause a lot of lung issues, a lot of wheezing, a lot of chest irritation. So, be prepared, watch out for it. Because I was looking around, I mean, it's like 34 here right now. And this isn't melting the way snow usually melts. Like there's a little bit of water right there. But normally, I mean, you know, you've got rivers running down the side of my street and you don't.

It's like, it's like it's just evaporating. I've never seen snow melt in this fashion before. Like, my driveway's dry. Like, look at this. See the wet line? There's a wet line and a dry line. And it shouldn't be that way, you know? All this snow should be running together. But it's just right on the edge of the snow. And even down at the end of the snow. If all this snow's melting.

That's bone dry. That's bone dry right there. That makes no sense, because the water should be coming down. So, there's weird things happening.

It doesn't make sense when you look at it at first, but when you start putting all the pieces together, this is uh, this is the beginning of what they're trying to do. They've sent this down here on us.”


Lijkt me heel aannemelijk gezien het verkiezingsjaar..
En toch hoeft niemand zich er druk om te maken, de natuur weet overal raad mee, zelfs de meest uitgekookte techniek die heden ten dage wordt uitgevonden bestaat in de natuur al sinds eeuwigheden. Het enige dat we kunnen doen is elkaar het leven zuur maken, of er voor kiezen om van het leven te genieten onder het motto: leven en laten leven. Energie stoppen in angst an protest laat dat wat je niet leuk vindt alleen maar groeien.

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